Thursday, July 07, 2011

Lynda Bell in Hot Water? By Geniusofdespair

Is the District 8 County Commissioner Lynda Bell in trouble? This is from the South Florida Times:
Miami-Dade County Commissioner Lynda Bell is allegedly the target of several racial discrimination complaints filed by a former political supporter who became her employee. Lois Jones has resigned as Bell’s aide and has filed complaints with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Florida Commission on Human Relations. Neither Jones, who is black, nor her attorney will reveal the basis for the complaints but they said details would be forthcoming. Bell’s chief of staff Eddie Borrego said the complaints have no merit and referred all question to the county attorney.
(Photo of County Commissioner Lynda Bell from inauguration of Carlos Gimenez)


Anonymous said...


And, maybe she can go onto the perp walk list too!

out of sight said...

Lois is very active in the Homestead community.

I wonder if she could not handle the fact that she was being pushed around by the Sejas crew.

Quite possibly Lois' idea of community service was not what was being followed at the office.

I believe she was not pleased with the office move.

Anonymous said...

No sympathy for Bell but Lois Jones has a very high opinion of herself and was just a low level staffer; I would bet that is what she could not handle. I have seen Lois act as the public face of being nasty that Bell wanted to be but was smart enough to keep in private during her three Homestead campaigns. Bell has a long history of leaving alliances in shambles all in the name of having the last word... just ask anyone in the couple of churches she has helped tear assunder.

Anonymous said...

The taxpayers will be picking up the tab for this catfight, just like the taxpayers in Homestead picked up fifty five THOUSAND dollars in legal fees to defend her against a suit based upon her going outside the bounds of her office, so it was alleged. Point being, as long as we the people have to pay for her mistakes and she does not, she will keep making mistakes.

Anonymous said...

It is not Bell, it is her chief of staff. Bell should fire his BIG ass because he will only bring her shame with Jose Luis Castillo.

Ms. Bell, you are smarter than that and better than that, Eddy and Jose will hurt you sooner or later. You office manager, Lordes Alard "Castillo", Jose's wife too.

DO NOT TRUST THEM. Eddy should keep his mouth shut in this case too.

Anonymous said...

The taxpayers have been picking up her tab for a while. Don't forget her Taj Mahal of a new city hall. $1 million gone, and nothing ever built except the new building for the business that relocated, which is now closed. And, the nearly 1/2 million for her new office in Palmetto Bay.

This is only the beginning. She'll be costing us more and more.

And, where are those "jobs"? Well, I guess she employed people on her staff.

RECALL before she causes us taxpayers more.

Anonymous said...

Eddy is an honest person and hard worker. When he worked for Governor Crist he always kept South Florida electeds in the loop and brought the Governor to Miami on Education an Climate Change issues.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Bell also hire the Homestead assistant city manager who was having an affair with the city manager? It doesn't seem like she chose her staff very well.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

That not right, Eddie is honest and real. He himself is a minority race and he has never thrived off of that, he works hard and is very respectful. He is REAL and if that lady was fired, regardless if she was black, purple, turquoise, macaroni yellow, or key lime green I am sure she was fired based off not being a good employee.

Anonymous said...

This complaint is as crazy as the Casey Anthony verdict.

Anonymous said...

I have known Ms. Jones for quite some time and worked with her on several occasions and though I must admit she's a nice lady, she is also lazy. On several occasions she drags her feet and often tries to deny duties if they don’t comply with her method. Nice doesn't keep you employed, hard work and team work do! I am sure for similar reasons she was fired.

Anonymous said...

This lady needs to stop wasting everyones time playing the race card...and start looking for a
J-O-B!! This complaint is nothing but laughable...i'm assuming she was black when she was say the staff is racist is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Lois Jones has always been an arrogant dinosaur. Apparently now she is ignorant and selfish as well.

Geniusofdespair said...

Do you think Lynda's office found this blog? I think so. I had to remove one that was so absurd it was laughable and also incredibly mean-spirited.

Anonymous said...

Mean Spirited is Bell's middle name.
P.S. Dont think for one minute that Bell, her staff, her kids and friends don't monitor this blog numerous times a day for what they perceive as blasphemy against the Queen Mother Lynda.

Anonymous said...

This is not a real Blog if you moderate and pick and choose which comments to allow, according to your article. You are a phony.

Anonymous said...

This is not a real Blog if you moderate and pick and choose which comments to allow, according to your article. You are a phony.

Anonymous said...

This is not a real Blog if you moderate and pick and choose which comments to allow, according to your article. You are a phony.

Anonymous said...

This is not a real Blog if you moderate and pick and choose which comments to allow, according to your article. You are a phony.

Anonymous said...

This is not a real Blog if you moderate and pick and choose which comments to allow, according to your article. You are a phony.

Anonymous said...

geniusofdespair...what racist comments?? the article says lynda bell has several racial discrimination complaints against her and that Mrs. Jones filed a complaint...stating the obvious that she was also black when she was hired is not a racist comment. I don't get it. Are you also removing comments that are mean towards the Bell staff?

Anonymous said...

This is not a real Blog if you moderate and pick and choose which comments to allow, according to your article. You are a phony.

Anonymous said...

This is not a real Blog if you moderate and pick and choose which comments to allow, according to your article. You are a phony.

Anonymous said...

This is not a real Blog if you moderate and pick and choose which comments to allow, according to your article. You are a phony.

Geniusofdespair said...

So who doesn't think there is something wrong in district 8? The stuff I removed was so bad the only stuff they left out was the "n" word.

Anonymous said...

I have known Mrs. Jones for several years and she is a nice and hardworking person. She is knowledgable about government and its operation. In other words she is a smart lady. I am so surprise she had so much respect and dedication to Mrs. Bell. What could have happen to cause this split in friends?

Anonymous said...

Lois Jones was a real friend to Lynda. Lois is one of the dedicated government employees that you meet and feel great aboutl having her in your organization.

Anonymous said...

If Lois filed a complaint the situation in that office must have been horrible and still is monsterous and offensive. Will other complaints come out soon? Lois and Lynda were supportive friends. I am shocked to know their friendship is over. Lois it must have been BAD and I am sorry you have to go through this.