Thursday, July 07, 2011

Gov. Rick "Click To Submit" Scott fluffs his public image ... by gimleteye

Suffering from dismal public opinion ratings-- the worst of any governor in the nation-- Florida Governor Rick Scott is sincerely fluffing up his public image. Scott considers his base the Tea Party. At a recent budget signing event, Scott had his deputies scrub his Tea Party of critics. Scott recently put in place a yours truly PR campaign, using robo calls and the web to enlist supporters to put their names to pre-written, positive letters to newspapers. As in: click, to submit. Having unfurled this thoroughly modern charm offensive, Scott came down from his private jet to address the Florida Association of Newspaper Editors. I'm surprised the newspaper editors would have him, after a political campaign in which he refused to meet with them. And won. According to press reports of the event, Scott spent most of the question and answer responding to complaints that his administration is charging the maximum amount for copying expenses related to public records requests. Oh, and Scott now wants to talk to newspaper editorial boards. If I were a newspaper editor and Rick Scott came to call, I'd have my secretary keep him waiting. Two years, would be about right.


sundayniagara said...

Such a putz!

out of sight said...

Scott is a seriously weird person. He is out of touch with the world or else he would not be doing such wacko stuff.

Anonymous said...

He gets mentioned daily in national news. Usually not in a good way.