Wednesday, July 06, 2011

At the swearing in of Mayor Gimenez. By Geniusofdespair

This event was a photo op for Lobbyist pictures. It was the people lurking in the background I found most interesting, above Jorge Perez. Below: Ron Book and Kris Korge.
Rodney Barreto and Brian May
Could this be a dressed-down Clifford Schulman? Nope, apparently I guy named Nilo who worked for Carlos Gimenez.

The lobbyists/developers even had their own cheering section (as you first walk into the chamber - where they always sit). Of course, regular people were mixed Matt Greer, Joe Arriola and Raul Martinez.


Anonymous said...

Lobbyist at the Gimenez swearing in event? I thought you said he was the new Messiah… here we go again.

Ma said...

Most of those lobbyists were supporting Robaina. Now they are trying to cozy up to Gimenez. Gimenez needs to politely tell them he is not for sale and show them the door.

Anonymous said...

Who did Book, Barretto, Perez, and
korge etal contribute too? Did they hedge their bets? sDid they lean more to one side than the other, please tell Genius of the blog.

Anonymous said...

I was at the ceremony, too. It was a public event. Anyone can and did show up. The lobbyists were not invited guests. Most of them did not have a place to sit and they hung around the railing like vultures looking for their next meal.

Gimenez needs to reintroduce the lobbyist financial disclosure ordinance that the Ethics Commission floated a number of years ago and did not follow through on.

Anonymous said...

Seats were assigned. You couldn't just sit down anywhere.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how Korge's development business is doing. And Baretto's investments outside the UDB. Was Penelas there too?

Anonymous said...

Robaina blood suckers sucking up everywhere. Why was the guy they call Chino there wasnt he a Robaina guy? Who let him sit down? I would have kicked him out he sucks. Regalado was also there, again not sure why, I would have kicked him out too and let his daughter stay. Lots of people I didnt know and don't care about to be honest, but not as bad as the last swearing in ceremony with Bovo and Suarez.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Steve Clark gave better speeches when he was hammered. Are speechwriters considered non-essential personnel in the Gimenez Administration? If so, brace yourself for 'dull compounded with bland' for the next 16 months.

Anonymous said...

Sleazy crowd.

Anonymous said...

Lobbyist mania at today's ceremony... When will we
Learn that all there politicians are all
The same. Did anyone here what Gimenez promised?
Transparency, honesty, fiscal responsibility...
Same promises that former Mayor Alvarez promised
As the anon above said Genius, he's no Messiah...
Don't be fooled!

Anonymous said...

The presence of lobbyists doesn't mean they will get what they want. They had to show up.

Anonymous said...

You should not focus on the lobbyist present at the swearing, but those that weren't there. You should also focus on the many new faces in the audience. The ceremony was short, simple and to the point. The task is monumental and there is no time to waste. Mayor Gimenez has made it very clear: accountability, transparency and fiscal responsibility.

Anonymous said...

Gimenez needs to fire 3,000 slacker employees Immediately. Maybe more.

There is no time left to wait to postpone raises. It's too late.
3,000 slackers need to go.

Anonymous said...

With the new "Swearing in and
"Regime" change this could be
"The dawning Age of Aquarius."

Good bye to: "The Age of Pisces"
being marked by environmental destruction, greed, corruption,
Ethics Commission failure, Campaign
Contribution Reform, Lobbists Financial Disclosure Reform, etc.

Now we'll have Accountability, Transparency, & Fiscal Responsi-
bility. Am I dreaming??


P. Nis said...

Korge looks like crap! Time hasn't been kind to him.

Geniusofdespair said...

I blame the photographer. Korge didn't look that bad. Speaking of looks, I thought Dennis Moss looked pretty good, as did Joe Arriola.

Anonymous said...

$400 million budget deficit.

65% of County revenues go to pay and benefits?
Time to reduce pay and benefits.

Fire every County employee who reviewed and pushed for the Marlins fiasco.

Anonymous said...

If you want to fire for Marlins fiasco - take down the Bond administration division in Finance department along with the finance director. What does that leave? What a bunch of pond scum in that chamber. I doubt that Gimenez invited these lowlifes. Time would be better spent looking for ways to get people jobs, fair housing and getting the homeless off the street in front of the very building this swearing in ceremony took. Downtown is disgraceful especially in front of the government building. I think I am in a third world country when I walk in that building. No directional signs, a lousy pharmacy, no one speaks english. It is shit.

Anonymous said...

Penelas DID NOT need to be there, geniuses! When Rodney Barreto is, the whole US Century bank, plus a few more, are represented. What's the matter with you, people? You really don't know who is who in this community? I say, what I've been saying all along, just give it a little time and you'll see how the whole siruation is no different than if Robaina would have been elected. I bet none of you thinks there's something fishy about a "firefighter who likes to drive a Mercedes." Of course you don't because you're all a bunch of schmucks! That's one of the most telling signs of an appetite for luxury that I've seen. And, historically as well, those with that kind of an appetite will do everything -- and anything -- to continue feeding it! And don't bullshit me, Gimenez, I know where you're coming from! The only difference between you is that you know how to do it -- it must be that ultra-refined Mercedes palate! LOL

Geniusofdespair said...

Last Poster: Putz.

(everyone who frequents this blog knows the meaning behind that)

Anonymous said...

Then everyone who frequents this blog is A REAL SCHMUCK AND HAS NO KNOWLEDGE OF POLITICS IN MIAMI. JUST LIKE YOU, GENIUS. FYI: I detest Robaina -- far more than just because he's from Hialeah -- because I believe that he's a common thief; that doesn't mean that I don't look at Gimenez from the right perspective. I was doing political campaigns when you weren't thinking of running a blog. In fact, blogs didn't exist because the Internet hadn't yet come about. Contrary to what you may think, I'm not a man, I'm a woman... and I have lived in this community so long that Robert King High was one of my dearest friends. So don't call me a putz because I'm not one... and I can call anyone a schmuck with more propriety than you -- or a putz, for that matter -- because I happen to be Jewish. You know about Miami, and its political scene -- and its politicians -- as much as I know about the landscape of Thailand!

Geniusofdespair said...

Just like I said...a putz.

Anonymous said...

The reader doesn't know what Putz means on this blog.

Geniusofdespair said...

Noun 1. putz - (Yiddish) a fool; an idiot
Yiddish - a dialect of High German including some Hebrew and other words; spoken in Europe as a vernacular by many Jews; written in the Hebrew script
fool, muggins, saphead, tomfool, sap - a person who lacks good judgment