Monday, May 02, 2011

A Vote For Luther Campbell Should be Just That. By Geniusofdespair

If you are voting for Luther Campbell because you think he will be the best man to be Mayor, I am okay with that. If you are voting for Campbell as a protest because you actually think he would be the most absurd choice, I want to give you a warning. That kind of vote will backfire on you and we will probably end up with the Latin Builders Association's (LBA) choice: Hialeah Julio Robaina.

This election isn't a joke. Take it seriously and vote for the person who you think will do the best job. I keep asking myself, who would actually want to be mayor anyway?  I wouldn't. There isn't enough money in Miami to entice me into being the mayor of this wacky county. It is going to be a thankless job.


Anonymous said...

Maybe not. I know what you mean, but frustration is kicking in hard. The other politicians are just that. Typical politicians…saying the same things, wearing the same suits, pandering to the same interest groups and lobbyist. Truly sick of them all.
Including your buddy Gimenez. He’s as tasteless and idealess as they come… No disrespect.

Alex said...

10% with you. There was already a protest, a big and resounding one. It was called a recall. Now is the time to vote as grownups.

Anonymous said...

I would vote for Campbell except that I think it would be a vote for Robaina. It would be like voting for Nader. I guess I'll have to hold my nose and vote for Gimenez.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who saw Campbell on Michael Putney and has seen him talk at the forums knows he is serious and is no fool when it comes to understanding how county government works. You just don't want to give him a chance because you've decided to go with the safe bet in Carlos Gimenez.

E said...

He ran Luke Records into bankruptcy. He filed for personal bankruptcy. He now earns his living working for the Dade County school system. I don’t think he has 2 sticks to rub together. The New Times even paid his $300 campaign filing fee. And now someone wants this financial mess to manage the county’s $7 billion budget? Good grief!

Anonymous said...

luther is a serious candidate? his brilliant revenue raising plan is to create a special tax on strippers. not kidding. what a joke.

Anonymous said...

Julio Robaina apparently makes his living by making large personal loans at a high interest rate. Didn't they used to call that loansharking?

Anonymous said...

Anon above... I think the anon you’re referring to was talking about the good Julio Robaina (TGO) not the loan sharker form Hialeah.

Milly Herrera, hialeah said...

This IS a serious election. We have to join together to ensure that bad Julio Robaina from Hialeah does not win the seat for county mayor.

Only Carlos Gimenez has shown to be able to oust him. This is why many of us in Hialeah have put our differences aside and united to support him, so we the nightmare we now have in our city will not spread to the county.

E said...

Genius, did you see Luther Campbell's finance report? Thus far, Campbell has raised a grand total of $250.26 for his campaign. $250 was from himself. The 26 cents was from a PayPal refund. Of that $250.26, he foolishly spent more than half ($133) to print special campaign checks.

Does Campbell plan to manage the county in the same way he manages his campaign?

Anonymous said...

Outside of this blog's endorsement, I haven't seen one iota of momentum or movement coming from the Gimenez camp.

Uncle Luke has been the most visible, while Llorente has been all over West Miami-Dade in upping his message and recognition with families.

Unfortunately it looks like we could be truly heading for a Robaina/Luke run off. Here's hoping Llorente closes the gap or Robaina gets indicted.

House said...

I think Llorente is dead in the water. He raised all that early money but he still has no name recognition and he is now polling behind Robaina, Gimenez, and Campbell. Next week is early voting. Gimenez is our only chance to keep the corrupt Robaina out of office.

relo said...

llorente seems like a nice kid, but he spent 8 years in the legislature and not one of his bills ever became a law. that doesnt sound like a winner to me.

Milly Herrera, hialeah said...

Agree with previous comment by House that, "Gimenez is our only chance to keep the corrupt Robaina out of office."

Anonymous said...

Luke wants a reality show, I bet. He's putting himself out there. You know, I would love it if he had a show that was political, kind of a Luke turns Watchdog kind of thing. It could work. We are not the new Chicago, but our politicians are prettier.