Saturday, May 07, 2011

Photos worth a thousand words. By Geniusofdespair

The Miami Conservative blog calls this Julio's 'Charlie Crist Moment' (when he hugged Obama). Note that John Rivera of the PBA is standing next to Hialeah Julio. Rivera is running a campaign against Carlos Gimenez.
Natacha Seijas with our least favorite new County Commissioner Lynda Bell.
And of course...Let's go to the video tape where you can see Hialeah Julio and Carlos Gimenez duke it out over the Marlin's stadium deal (The reason everyone is laughing at the end of the video; that is Roosevelt Bradley, the fired head of transit for the County, who stands up):


Anonymous said...

OMG, on one hand I want to thank you for posting these pictures because I've lost my appetite (I'm on a diet) on the other hand, what a sad state of affairs this County is in (I guess that could be any oxymoron too).

Anonymous said...

Wow. I feel cheated. We didn't get that much stuff at KFHA. These guys were duking it out verbally. I was just waiting for Llorente to grab the mic and say "hi, I'm Marcelo Llorente, and I would appreciate your vote."

I am a big Gimenez fan, but needs to find a way to quickly rebut and then move on with some intelligent commentary, so he doesn't get dragged down in the discourse. Even if Gimenez is winning the points, there needs to be something more than the Carlos and Julio show.

Geniusofdespair said...

Last anonymous--this video was taken at the Kendall Federation meeting... what are you a campaign shill?

Anonymous said...

WHo took the picture of Seijas and Bell? It almost looks like Seijas recognizes (and depises) the phtographer but Bell has no clue!

Anonymous said...

G.o.D. - nope, no shill. A Gimenez fan. I am voting for him. Just want to see him talking about other issues. I wonder if Robaina isn't just messing with him.

Milly Herrera, hialeah said...

Mayor Robaina is the same man who also said he couldn't even count 15 flamingos at Hialeah Park (it's recorded public city council meeting Nov 28 2006). Pictures show hundreds of flamingos at the park!

Anonymous said...

G.o.D, I think you should keep posting "the deal" video so it appears as the top item every day. Hey, why not? New readers will be sure to find it that way.