Thursday, May 05, 2011

Miami New Times hits home run on new Marlin's Stadium fraud ... by gimleteye

New Times writer Tim Elfrink writes, "Six lies about the Marlins stadium" in this week's edition. "Stealing Home" reminds what a valuable function the New Times serves our community. Watching the stadium rise, and knowing that it is primarily a shining landmark for political corruption, is a daily reminder too. Let's hope that Miami Dade voters get the point that candidate for mayor Julio Robaina was a supporter of the stadium. That's what cost Carlos Alvarez his job.


P. Nis said...

Why isn't Rundle, Centorino, Mazella, Scruggs et all working feverishly to put together a case against the people behind this boondoggle? Oh, I forgot they're too busy with the likes of Spence-Jones and the Surfside cops who worked at second jobs while on duty to deal with a $2.5 billion dollar case like this.

Anonymous said...

Rundle exceeded her expiration date as state attorney. A long, long time ago.

Anonymous said...

When I read this article earlier in the week I got a headache. None of this is new to me, and so many of us tried so hard to stop the whole thing. Burgess & Alvarez just pushed so hard on the so willing to approve.

We, the taxpayers, were royally screwed then and nothing has changed except a few more people (both public "servants" and private entities, with additional zero's at the end of the net worth thanks to public funding.

Anonymous said...

You know, I have to say that there were so many voices here shouting over each other. I focused on Braman and do the speed reading thing when I see the word "Marlins". This was a great article and I am curious to know more about the present arguments of Sunshine Laws and use of land. I hope we can elevate that in the public dialogue so that the Mayoral Candidates will also notice what is going on there.

Anonymous said...


At the ChamberSouth event at the bowling alley in South Miami, Alvarez stood there and spewed his canned speech for that staduim. He was bullshitting them about the jobs and costs.

They lapped it up without even hearing the lies. I was really disappointed that those businesspeople were so gullible.

Anonymous said...

To blame for Florida's economic crash: those same business "leaders". No one remembers anything.