Thursday, May 12, 2011

High Tension Lines Hit Another Snag in the City of Miami. By Geniusofdespair

The Transmission Line Siting Act (TLSA) is the state’s centralized process for licensing electrical transmission lines...which means FPL is pretty much free to MAKE ALL THE DECISIONS without municipality agreeing to what they do. Cities here in Miami Dade County are not taking this lying down. The City of Miami just now sided with South Miami Mayor Philip Stoddard who made a presentation about the proposed high tension lines to transmit power from the two new reactors they are going to build at Turkey Point.

The City of Miami Commission agreed with Stoddard. Don't know what they agreed to...maybe burying the lines, maybe joining the coalition of cities against them...but suffice it to say they don't agree with FPL's plan.


Miami Urbanist said...

For the cost of the high tension lines and the nuclear reactors (may God save us), we could outfit every single structure in the County to include solar photovoltaic panels and solar water heaters, construct turbines to capture gulf-stream currents, and transform our region into a zero carbon, self-sufficient, energy-rich place.

Anonymous said...

FPL is a monopoly. Nonetheless FPL is a greedy pig.

FPL has no competition yet the CEO pays himself $22 mil a year?