Thursday, May 05, 2011

Hialeah Julio Robaina is staying away from white non-Hispanics. By Geniusofdespair

He didn't show at the Herald interview - I heard he told the Herald he didn't want it- or at a number of debates attended by whites. The accountability project is running phony robocalls saying we at Eye on Miami are saying Gimenez will move the UDB line. Let me remind you all-- We endorsed Carlos Gimenez for Mayor. And he has never voted to move the line. More important, we think that by his actions, i.e. dissing our mayors, not showing up at our debates/forums, Hialeah Julio does not care one iota about non-Hispanic whites in Miami Dade County. Put that in your attack robocall Accountability Project/ Keith Donner.


Anonymous said...

I heard he declined to appear at the Miami Herald's Editorial Board screening yesterday. I guess the English Speaking community is not important to Hialeah Julio.

Anonymous said...

What's the problem? He's covering all the important stuff. Did you hear he supports Take Your Child To Work Day? He's also support the death of Bin Laden. He's a family man and a patriot!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I suppose the Herald, again, does not want to be unbiased: If you want to report the facts, as opposed to opinions, here is Robaina's letter to The Miami Herald:
May 3, 2011

Ms. Myriam Marquez
Editorial Board
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza
Miami, Florida

Dear Ms. Marquez:

Thank you for your invitation to meet with The Miami Herald Editorial Board regarding your endorsement in the election for Mayor of Miami-Dade County. I will not be scheduling an appointment with your Editorial Board because I am not seeking The Miami Herald’s endorsement.

I understand that the Editorial Board of The Miami Herald is a separate structure from your publication’s newsroom. Nevertheless, your paper does have a responsibility from the Editorial Board to the newsroom to provide your readers with accurate and fair coverage of the issues impacting our community.

Throughout my years in public service and in the last four months of this campaign I have been respectful, accessible and forthright with your journalists, editors and your Editorial Board. In recent months, your journalists have had access to extensive personal financial records. On multiple occasions I have personally met with them, one instance for up to two hours, to answer questions in a transparent manner, and always mindful of deadlines. No other candidate in this race has been as scrutinized nor has any other candidate provided The Miami Herald with the amount of information regarding their background or personal finances than I have.
Despite all efforts to make certain that your journalists and editors have accurate information regarding the false allegations that have been launched against me or key facts about me or my candidacy, The Miami Herald disregards the truth to cast stories with misinformation or erroneous contexts. Most concerning is the propagandist coverage of the race that has developed into a pattern directed at mischaracterizing me with the intent of influencing the outcome of the Special Election.

Attached please find the completed questionnaire so that you have an understanding of my views on the important issues impacting our community as well as my record, should The Miami Herald ever decide to provide its readers with any information about the issues and the views of the candidates in the race.

Unfortunately, there will continue to be a profound divide between The Miami Herald and our community as long as your publication insists on passing off its opinions and misconceptions as journalism, rather than focusing on accurately reporting the facts, and allowing the reader to reach their own conclusions


Julio Robaina

Geniusofdespair said...

What a putz he knew with all the charges pending he would never get the Herald endorsement so he went on attack instead.

Anonymous said...

Robaina's 11th opponent - the Miami Herald. The voters were loud and clear - out with Alvarez and his cronies - that includes Jimenez. And all of this from a white, non-hispanic voter in Miami-Dade.

Anonymous said...

I never understood why ANY candidate that is constantly attacked by a campaign and their Media Team ( ie: Miami-Herald)would ever want to a: return any of their calls and b: participate in anything they do? The bottom line is the Miami Herald is a FOR-PROFIT business. Their number one job is to sell newspapers and not provide impartial journalism. They never would entertain fair reporting practices. They sell more by being National Enquire like than a respectable community newspaper. Any company worth a salt reading it from out of state, based on what the Herald writes, thinks this town is a joke and not worth the effort.

We will never have peace in this town as long as the Hearld continues to endorse candidates for their purposes as opposed to letting the public decide who will serve them better.

And by the way.... Gimenez is no Angel.........

P.S. The Herald is a P.O.S paper. Genius writes better than some of their reporters. Imagine that.....

Anonymous said...

Ah, Julio's people yearning for good old Granma type reporting. Wherein, the party with all the money gets all the good press.

Milly Herrera, hialeah said...

Mayor Julio Robaina doesn't give a damn about his own people either. While spending millions of dollars on unnecesary projects, he has abandoned East Hialeah residents. Our streets are in the worst conditions ever and still flooding. Hialeah Park will soon become a large scale development and lost forever as a "public park."

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Gimenez was the anti-Alvarez on the commission, please stop with the misinformation. Julio rob a Robaina is a crook, and is leading his city to bankruptcy!

Anonymous said...

Just trying to hold the media accountable to being accurate journalists... just like Julio will hold the county employees accountable to the citizens of Miami... old fashioned work ethics aren't all bad - I love my Grandma - she knew what it took to get the job done back in the old days - hard work and strong ethics. I am surprised you would use Grandma in a derogatory sense - mine is on a pedestal.

Anonymous said...

Did that last anon really mistake "Granma" for "Grandma"?


What an ID10T

Anonymous said...

Listen, Anon whoever...

Arguing all day on blog with a Gimenez supporter is ridiculous. We all know Gimenez has issues. He is lucky none of the candidates to include Luther Campbell (to my surprise)never got in the mud like Gimenez did in this campaign. Gimenez ran a DIRTY all out campaign, look at his facebook page with all his snide remarks.

A Gimenez supporter would be out on the streets instead of responding back to a guy who is voting for "me so horny"...

Anonymous said...

I am the anon who mistook Granma for Grandma - I am also a white, non-hispanic who plans who feels support from Julio. I am in the USA and not required to read the newspaper in Cuba, nor know its name. Shame on me (you did say I am an Idiot). Back to the point at hand... Julio is supports the people in Miami-dade. That includes minority white, non-hispanics like me.

Geniusofdespair said...

What the he'll are you people talking about? I don't have a clue. Trying to make Hialeah Julio into the homespun candidate-- the regular Joe -- worth $8 million --- is not going to fly. We are not that stupid here.

Anonymous said...

Hialeah Julio ... there's a name that should stick.

Anonymous said...

Carlos voted Yes on the Homestead Speedway UDB issue, and yes it was out of the ordinary hard to deny.

Anonymous said...

After all the false allegations that have been launched against Julio and about his candidacy, I find ths letter to be very powerful. We support you Julio, you don't need Miami Herald's endorsement!

barbara said...

That is right, I'm tired of the false critics toward Julio and his campaign!

Anonymous said...
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Geniusofdespair said...

Don't insult the blogger...can't you read?

Anonymous said...

Looks like the Bad Julio Robaina campaign staff has found your blog.

Geniusofdespair said...

False allegations against Julio? That he asked county commissioners to approve the Marlin deal?
That he wasn't paying taxes on buildings he put on his land and he never reported it?
That he was making loans at high rates of interest including to people doing business with his city?
That there is a grand jury investigation going on about him?
That the Real Estate Department FREC said he was doing unethical business practices for using a clients money? Which of those is false?

Anonymous said...

Why don't you have an article entitled "If You Are Here Because of a Robo Call" He is publicizing your blog. What a doofus Donner is.

Anonymous said...

The bad Julio staff include white, non hispanics with suspicious language arts skills. Too funny.

Anonymous said...

Genius is obviously one of the few informed people on this blog. Millie made some excellent points as well. You need to know your candidates!! This is the problem in miami... we have to chose the least crooked from a bunch of crooks as our leaders. When good people try to make a difference, big money makes sure they go away. And btw, this is not a race issue at all, Robaina assumes he can't fool white non-hispanic voters because traditionally they have been more informed on the issues. This election is a joke!!

Anonymous said...

None of the candidates are worth a pot to p___ in! And that's the God's honest truth. Anyone can say whatever the hell they want, but this situation reminds more of the time when Alvarez was elected for the first time. Every idiot in this city believed he would be a great mayor, and a better administrator. LOL Bunch of class A schmucks is what they all were. I knew damn well that Alvarez was a Penelas guy and, conequently, a big crook. It didn't matter how often, or how loud, I would say it, they all looked at me as if I was crazy. Well, JERKS, let's see what happens when one of these "saints" gets into office. SCHMUCKS!

Lulu said...

I can see many of the people answering to this blog are from the Julio Robaina campaign or have some interest in him winning for mayor of the county. Alot of them need to take good English classes like me, so you can express yourself in more professional manners.

I live in Hialeah and I am going to vote for Carlos Gimenez. The reason is because we do not want the mayor to win. He is not fixing anything and only made trouble with the people who work for the city. He promotes the people he wants to and the others have to suffer.

We are together voting for Carlos Gimenez. I wish the people will write more sensible things to share with the voters and not make a fight.

Anonymous said...

Gimenez also voted for Armando Codina UDB application, the only one who voted against it was Katy. She is the only one who cares more about the environment than more development. I wish she was running. We need her more than ever.

Anonymous said...

It was Jimmy Morales not Gimenez who was on the county Commission when Codina did his application.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many of the sly Robaina supporters posting right now would remain if anonymous commenting was turned off.

Anonymous said...

Answer: turn off anonymous posting

Geniusofdespair said...

no, I just turn on comment moderation.

Anonymous said...

Just followed the lead ( John Rivera and company funding the anti-Gimenez campaign (and others). Went to the PBA website, looked at their board ( No, wait, that is the cast of The Godfather, isn't it? Few here have missed a meal. Wonder what Their pensions look like...?
Nice to know the faces of ...... (comments deleted by the moderator doesn't have to)

Public servants (and their unions) really should learn to stay out of politics. My union learned that many years ago. You never know what greaseball you are actually backing (in this case, We do). You rub up against dirt, you get dirty. Policemen need to keep wearing their "white hats". And get better leadership. And stay away from Sleezards.

Anonymous said...

To "Lulu"... are you suggesting we "can't write"? If that's the case, may I suggest that you go back to school and take a grammar refresher course. HOLY COW! According to your writing style, you appear to be more Lola than Lulu!

Geniusofdespair said...

Let's leave people alone for their skill in writing in English. It is good that people try. I applaud that. However, I think we have some fakers above.

Alejandro said...

Personally, I'm looking for a candidate that helps Miami-Dade's residents. I would like the next mayor to re-consider the property tax increase, more and better healthcare and education programs etc.

Robert said...

Anonymous: Why won't you identify yourself, afraid that we will then know the you all work for the Robaina campaign. If you want to post, identify yourself, otherwise keep you comments to yourself. Anonymous has no creditability.
I hope my name comes up with this post. Otherwise I'm Robert Spiegel, a retired Hialeah Police Officer.

Bruno said...

Despite the fact that it seems pretty obvious to me that The Miami Herald seems to be focused on putting Robaina down, ill have to agree with Alejandro on the tax increasement fact. Haven't heard of any other proposal willing to discuss this point but Robaina.

Anonymous said...

Tax increasment? what are you a bonehead? You have to be from Hialeah.

Anonymous said...

"Public servants (and their unions) really should learn to stay out of politics."

I think this oversimplifies the issues that unions have to deal with. Public servants would have no voice in government without unions. However, unlike those of us in the private sector, they must endure this lack of voice while being employed by those very entities that are ignoring them.

Unions will not succeed, however, if they do not learn to acknowledge and relate to broader challenges. On this, they will survive or fail if their numbers dwindle. I think they know this. I am pleased that Fire Fighters supported Gimenez and sad that PBA did not. But this is their decision to make.

Anonymous said...

Hey, hey, hey. Some good people come from Hialeah. Don't dis them. They have to endure the politicians up there. The last thing they need is you pounding on them.

Anonymous said...

Raul Martinez indicted and convicted former Mayor of Hialeah and Genius agree Carlos Gimenez is thier candidate, Thats the same

Why are you censoring the truth Genius? No insult here just stating the facts.

Geniusofdespair said...

Well your facts are wrong. Raul Martinez appealed and it ended in a hung jury, an acquittal on other charges and deadlocked on a charge, five charges were dropped. Lehtinen the US Attorney was charged with misconduct and conflicts of interest as Raul was running against Illenana.

So he might have been convicted but there was an appeal. That is why he can serve. I like the former mayor better than the current mayor...But I think Hialeah has its own rules of conduct, that is why I don't want Julio as Mayor.

And you are a putz. Because some asshole from Hialeah likes Gimenez - it has nothing to do with me.

Milly Herrera, hialeah said...

I believe Mayor Martinez ruled in Hialeah for too long. Had he taken a break back in the early 90's and returned a few years after that to run for another office, it might have been better for him. I do not defend him because I think he could have done more for Hialeah, especially regarding zoning and quality of life issues. I don't like the fact that he gave Brunetti Hialeah Park without a voter referendum. He did so much for the parks system in Hialeah, that this still baffles me.

I will have to admit he speaks well when he is not arrogant, he is very intelligent (much more than Robaina), and he is a good administrator. I hope he is smart enough to allow Rudy Garcia an opportunity to be mayor of Hialeah.

Raul Martinez' support of Carlos Gimenez should not affect us. Our goal is the same: to make sure that Julio Robaina does not become mayor of the county. The only way to accomplish this, is to vote for Carlos Gimenez.

P.S. If Martinez were the only one running against Robaina for county mayor, I would have to vote for Martinez. For the city of Hialeah, I am voting for Rudy Garcia.

student said...

Gone are the days of unbiased media coverage, so I suppose it is too much to ask for the Herald to make such an attempt. Regardless of what candidate the paper endorses, this does not give it the right to overtly and constantly attack other candidates (some much more frequently than others). To me, it further diminishes the Herald's credibility. No candidate is, as written in a previous post, an "angel." All have flaws and all have made past mistakes. It's sad how so many journalists seem to resemble more and more the dirty politicians they love to criticize.