I did not write this, just passing it on...
We want the public to have the chance to vote on near-shore oil drilling and to ban the possibility of this destructive practice. Our state relies on clean beaches for our economic and environmental well-being. Oil drilling in our state marine waters, which extend approximately three miles into the Atlantic Ocean and 10 miles into the Gulf of Mexico, is simply too great a risk to take. Unfortunately, some of our elected leaders disagree, and as recently as the 2009 Legislative Session, voted to end the present statutory drilling ban.
Floridians asked the Legislature, at the Special Session held in July 2010, to place the issue before the voters. Unfortunately, the Legislature did not agree to allow Floridians to vote to amend the State Constitution in the November 2010 general election. In light of the inaction of the Legislature, and to forestall any future attempt to allow near-shore oil drilling, we have created Save our Seas, Beaches and Shores, Inc. (SOSBS) to coordinate a citizens’ petition drive to place the ban on the November 2012 ballot. This will not be easy. We will need approximately 700,000 verified petitions. This effort will take all of us! Please feel free to make copies and share with others.
And it will take 60% of our fellow voters to pass it thanks to Jeb.
Even in the immediate aftermath of the BP disaster, barely 60% of Floridians opposed oil and gas mining off our shores.
I will sign but have no confidence that it would pass.
Floridians are too stupid for their own good. Tell them "jobs" and "lower gas prices" and "them damn Ay-rabs" and it won't matter if any of it is true.
Mr. Sunshine probably voted for Rick Scott too.
Mr. Sunshine did not vote for Scott. Learn how to read. He is criticizing the voters and saying he is going to sign the petition. That is an unlikely Scott supporter.
I'm most certainly NOT a fan of the Dread-Scott.
He and the supposed "conservatives" in the legislature are working to undermine small businesses and any shot Florida has in getting into the alternative energy game by handing the whole pie to FPL.
The bills highlighted by the Herald neglect to mention provisions that would strip small solar installations from getting fair compensation from the major utilities for the extra energy they produce.
Supposedly Scott is "concerned" about the utilities being able to automatically tack on the extra costs on our energy bills. They'll fix that by having the recently inoculated PSC rubber-stamp it instead. Intriguingly, he had no such qualms about ratepayers shelling out billions for new nuclear plants decades before they're ready.
Genius is right, my concern is really about the arbitrary 60% rule that the Florida Chamber of Commerce, AIF, etc. tricked voters into approving. Ironically, that change to our State Constitution passed with less than 60% of the vote. It was intended to make direct democracy harder and it worked.
The website is sosbs.org It is supported by the same group that did Hands Across the Sand last year and others. Check out the site for more information.
My Favorite line: "Our state relies on clean beaches for our economic and environmental well-being."
What a load of B.S.!
Tourism is a terribly unreliable industry and could easily be supplanted by a factor of 10 by the money generated from the oil Industry. 1 lower rung, Oil worker makes 5 X more than a Hotel worker on average.
And the environmental damage.........Yep. That B.P. spill destroyed the Gulf beaches....NOT!
You environmentalist are jackasses! If we don't drill off the coast of Florida, in Alaska and everywhere else, we will forever depend on the extortioners known as OPEC. Until we perfect the fuel-from-algae deal, which I am all for, we need to find another path. Hello, we are paying 4 bucks for gas and it's not going to get any cheaper, any time soon! The S&P already warned that if the U.S. doesn't clean up it's act, we might lose our bond ratting...do you know how far down that would send the dollar? Wakeup!
Rule #1 of the intolerant left.
When faced with irrefutable evidence that goes against your position and beliefs just resort to personal insults and attacks.
Rule#2 of the intolerant left.
Liberalism is illogical so when pressed always apply Rule#1
Happy Chocolate Bunny day everyone!!!!!
Hello above: We are living in the Sunshine state. There should be solar panels on every building and car. But our stupid legislators just gave the solar panel business to FPL and they won't do anything with it because they like coal and radiation. I love my solar panels!
Hello above.....Nobody is stopping anyone from installing Solar panels in Florida.
If you want to use that inefficient and economically impractical system more power to ya....Just don't think for a moment that you have some moral right to tell me I have to also.
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