Lobbyist Ron Book has given the Republican Party of Miami-Dade County $13,500 since May 2010. How much has he given Democrats in Miami-Dade County since January 2009? A big fat zero.
Last I heard, he was a Democrat but I guess he isn't into helping get Democrats in office locally. (see our Ron Book file)
Check Gwen Margolis.... I'm sure Ron tossed her a few Sheckels.
Ron gives to whoever he thinks can win and if they don't he buys the other guy after the fact.
Give Ron credit he's good at what he does.
FYI - "Ronald Book, $3,000 for Llorente. The powerhouse lobbyist who represents numerous private clients, as well as Miami-Dade County in Tallahassee."
That was in the New Times article taking a look at the Mayoral campaign. To me, though, it really seems like chump change. He could have raised a lot more. hmmmm
I would guess that he is avoiding messing with his cash cows (the republican pols) here in Miami.
Those folks read the campaign reports too and may not be happy to see him helping their competition.
a mug only momma would love...and the soul of the devil..not sure even his momma would love that.
why would he waste any money on democrats? they control absolutely nothing. if the democrats were in power, they would get book's money.
Because we will not get Democrats in office unless we fund them. Who better to fund them then another Democrat.
I don't believe he has a democratic bone in his body!
Ron Book is the same guy who owned illegal billboards in N. Miami on both sides of I-95 while he was getting paid to be a lobbyist for Miami-Dade County and N. Miami. He was breaking a handfull of laws and he was taking the taxpayers money.
find some new material
Ties to the sellout of Surfside. Exemplary? Book lobbies for gambling empires. Book lobbies for the County. Book lobbies for Margolis. Book lobbies for Whitman. Book lobbies for the County Parks Department. Book lobbies for the County Water and Sewer Department. Book lobbies for major developers. On and on and on for a long long long time. "The Bal Harbour Village Commission votes to retain lobbyist Ron Book to lobby for the development of an "executive golf course" at Haulover Park; County Commission Chair Gwen Margolis told village officials that "Ron Book represents [as a lobbyist] the County Parks Department and he is the logical person to hire;" a conflict of interest issue was raised but disregarded based upon the assurance from Commissioner Margolis that "this is the way [the County] does business all the time." (Proof Exhibit Source: Minutes of the Bal Harbour Village Council meeting of April 21, 1998." Surfside in 2011 is controlled by Dannheisser (of allegiance to developers in Sunny Isles and their lawyers who pull her strings) and Carlton (of allegiance to developers in Miami Beach, connected to County players, who pull his strings). Its a string duet. Bonds? Debt? Loans? Financing? Zoning changes? Deal of the Day? The area is about to be permanently swallowed up. Or are there soon going to be alot of "bookings"?
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