Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday, 6:00 PM at Tropical Audubon ... Time Capsule ... by gimleteye

In celebration of Earth Day, Tropical Audubon Society is hosting an event: sealing a time capsule and co-hosting the film Dirt! The Movie with the Gifford Arboretum. Why not take a moment and write your thoughts about the state of the world and the environment today, to be included in the time capsule?

Audubon writes: "When it comes to the environment, history tends to repeat itself when we forget the mistakes of our past. We hope to encapsulate the challenges so future generations are reminded of what is most important. Bring a captioned photograph or a small item related to Earth Day or the environment (no bigger than 8.5 x11 inches). Also required: your name, age and address for the record. We will register this capsule with the International Time Capsule Society so that it is never forgotten, and we plan to open this capsule in 50 years so we can be reminded of this moment within living memory."

Dirt! The Movie offers a vision of a sustainable relationship between Humans and Dirt through profiles of the global visionaries who are determined to repair the damage we've done before it's too late. Popcorn will be served during the movie. Donations will be accepted to support our conservation efforts, but are not required! Starting at 6 p.m. we officially re-open our Chickee, which will once again serve as our community and education hub. We will offer tours of the house and grounds and collect any submissions to the Earth Day Time Capsule. 5530 Sunset Avenue, South Miami


Mayor Cindy Lerner said...

This was a nice way to celebrate Earth Day. Inspirational speakers, Mayor Stoddard recommended each person pick one thing to fight for, as we all receive the urgent alerts to save this and protect that, and rather than be overwhelmed, pick something you can commit to fight for.
I brought a Pinecrest packet for the time capsule, including our Resolution creating a Green Action Plan in 2010 and our most recent Resolution endorsing a plan to avoid entering into any more franchise agreements with FPL so that Pinecrest will be free to develop and distribute renewable energy in the future. Hopefully when they open the time capsule in 50 years, everyone will be creating their own energy from sun and wind. The evening concluded by watching Dirt, the movie. I highly recommend it.

Mayor Cindy Lerner said...

This was a nice way to celebrate Earth Day. Inspirational speakers, Mayor Stoddard recommended each person pick one thing to fight for, as we all receive the urgent alerts to save this and protect that, and rather than be overwhelmed, pick something you can commit to fight for.
I brought a Pinecrest packet for the time capsule, including our Resolution creating a Green Action Plan in 2010 and our most recent Resolution endorsing a plan to avoid entering into any more franchise agreements with FPL so that Pinecrest will be free to develop and distribute renewable energy in the future. Hopefully when they open the time capsule in 50 years, everyone will be creating their own energy from sun and wind. The evening concluded by watching Dirt, the movie. I highly recommend it.