Sunday, March 06, 2011

Poll says Seijas and Alvarez will go down in flames. By Geniusofdespair

The Miami Herald's top story is the Bendixen Poll which finds 66% of those polled thinks Norman Braman is a principled activist and 67% said they would vote yes to recall Mayor Alvarez and 60% said they would recall Vile Natacha Seijas. I thought it funny that 21% thought her combative and rude. Curiously Whites prefer her over Hispanics. For Alvarez, he had more support among Whites and Blacks than with Hispanics. Blacks were the most undecided among the three racial groups. The poll said 31% were undecided at this late date. But, that is only 1/3 of 23% of 400 people polled and there is a 4.9% margin of error.

There are 24 pages of poll data on Natacha and 31 pages on Alvarez in the Miami Herald PDF, you get much more information online than in the paper Herald.

On Democrats supporting Seijas in larger numbers...lets look at the poll. 400 people were polled in District 13. of that about 100 were Democrats. The poll said about 47% support recall, 28% are against and 25% are undecided among Democrats. That is about 28 people polled that support her. I would suppose many of these people are in unions. Among Republicans her support is at 21%. Blacks were 7% of the poll in Natacha's district, or about 28 people polled so they were pretty much left out of the data analysis for Natacha.


Anonymous said...

Wowee! This community is really a sewer! I'm watching Michael Putney interviewing Norman Braman about "financing the recall, and "aren't you using your money to intervene into our political system,Mr. Braman?"... Braman gave him a proper answer. But the best: After Braman, Putney interviewed "pollster Fernand Amandi" -- now a partner of Sergio Bendixen, the pollster with the largest number of strike-outs in Miami -- to deliver the "results" of their poll. For those who have no idea who's who in this town, Amandi was a fund raiser for the campaign of Cancela for Dade-County Mayor"... and afterwards, he managed to stay in the "breast of the beast"... Very interesting that now he is with Bendixen, the man who predicted Cancela would win, on the day of the fated election! LOL Ever since Putney was embraced by the folds of the Rubio-Pino-Braman group, all he does is feature whatever is convenient for this group -- which, by the way, is also very close to Carlos Alvarez. Yep, a real anachronism: The Pino posse kisses Braman's cheeks while friendly, businesswise, with the fallen mayor! LOL

Anonymous said...

The recall is not a fix for our community's political problems. This recall is an example of our community's political problems.

For starters, we are spending $5 million for an election to recall Alvarez when he is a term-limited, lame duck.

Genius, I know you really dislike Seijas, but a steady, reliable approach would be to field a candidate against her.

This looks darn close to a lynch mob.

Anonymous said...

Lynch mob? Field a candidate? The problem is we have to focus on Seijas, not allow her machine to play their game on their home field. This is a nice, focused, pitched battle where we can focus on her and she cannot deflect against her opponent. We will have a nice open field to work to elect a quality candidate in an open seat, so long as we don't fight amongst ourselves like we did in District 8, allowing slime to ooze through to usurp the seat.

First thing to do is finish this fight and clear district 13 of that slime.

Marie P. said...

I love that the two prior self-interested anonymous posters are crying. This recall is the best thing to happen in this county for years. The only losers are the unions, the lobbyists, and the Alvarez/Burgess cronies. With the help of Mr. Braman, we are gaining a political system in which politicians will know they can be held accountable when the refuse to act in the best interest of their constituents.

Anonymous said...

In the end, it all really doesn't matter because recalling these two won't change the current conditions people are pissed about, and happen to have been caused by forces way beyond the local politicians' control. As stated above, Alvarez is term limited, and as for Seijas, even if she is recalled, she'll likely win in an open election for her seat. So... we are wasting $5 Million more that the County doesn't have on a recall election that either doesn't have to happen or is just a waste of time.

By the way, I'm waiting for the post about Linda Bell's town hall meeting the other night. I heard through the grapevine that the meeting was dominated by 8-1/2 Square Mile people (who aren't even in her District) and that she let them skewer Carlos Espinosa and DERM with wild acusations of conspiracies and misdeeds.

Anonymous said...

How many Blacks are there in her disttrict? Also, what percentage of registered voters in her district are Black?

V said...

of course this recall matters. politicians will be less likely to ignore their constituents in the future. cant wait for these two losers to be gone.

milly said...

I am going to bake a cake and celebrate March 15 . . . and this day will be a holiday for all the years to come...