With so much focus at the top of county management and politics, it is easy to ignore staff demoralized by paralyzed government. Nothing is happening. There is massive uncertainty; not just from within county departments but also the state and wholesale dismantling of programs by Gov. Rick Scott including growth management. If I were a member of the county rank and file (not in the police or fire departments), I would expect an atmosphere characterized by chaos and sloth. Why do anything, if your department is about to be merged or eliminated? If I was ambitious to move up, I would be consumed with worry about who above me is going to get the axe and how does that affect me.
The news focuses on recall elections and threats to municipal budgets and finance. In the meantime there are thousands of employees who are adrift. After years of budget cuts and reassignments, inside county government walls the anxiety overwhelms news of recalls and voter discontent.
Former county commissioner Natacha Seijas, and her chief of staff Terry Murphy, had a field day running the county show while the building boom was "on" but never gave much thought what to do, when it was turned "off" by the accumulated weight of fraud. Much of the county staff adapted around them-- accustomed to her tirades and storms-- but now they are gone and who will fill the vacuum?
Managing through the worst economic contraction in modern history requires skill and foresight and courage. But we can already see how the crisis provides opportunities for our own tribal warfare. That is what Seijas' protege, Lynda Bell, is fostering. Bell is from South Dade and recently unleashed land speculator James Humble on the county environmental agency, DERM, through a lightly attended (by press) "town hall meeting" that devolved into a mob aimed against environmental regulations in West Dade. (Humble became a wealthy millionaire farmer, land-banking and arbitraging property values outside the Urban Development Boundary, preying on peoples' anger against government. He recently put his name in the hat, for appointment to the governing board of the South Florida Water Management District.)
A system that was barely workable under the political meddling of the county commission, and a county manager who cared mostly about building sports stadiums and other entertainments for the politically connected, is grinding to a halt. If I worked at county hall, I would wonder if today would be my last day, or tomorrow, whether my department will exist. That is, if I cared whether I got my job done. A lot of county workers care less and less.
Here is a grim lesson. When government is designed to serve special interests-- in other words, designed to fail the public interest-- and when the underlying economic stability of that system, falters; there is a great risk that government will fail. Period. What will then emerge is a system that further serves the politically entrenched interests who caused the system to be designed, to fail, in the first place. This is happening on a national level, with the rise of the Tea Party pushing the right, even further to the right. It is happening in the states where governors like Rick Scott have decided that government itself needs to be dismantled, to achieve what Grover Norquist and Karl Rove wanted all along: destroy government from within and liberate the "free" market.
Voters would be foolish to elect new representatives from the same system that produced such carnage. Is Miami-Dade ready to elect Julio Robaina, Mayor of Hialeah, who was one of Seijas' strong supporters? I don't know. Lynda Bell was elected from the cesspool of South Dade politics. We don't just need new faces: we need new leaders who are dedicated to making government work for taxpayers and people. That day does seem far, far away.
Type the rest of the post here
Any truth to a rumor that Lynda Bell wants to bring Stephen Cody to County Hall as the next County Attorney?
haha, good one, or it would be if we were sure it was a joke. That woman knows no bounds. She allows her consitiuents to call her by her first name: Commissioner.
Folks - you have to remember politicians work for us. County employees are taxpayers too and they are discouraged by all the greed. Commissioners don't need slush funds, luxury auto leases, MDPD take home cars. The entitlements they receive i.e. should be stopped since county rank and file aren't supposed to receive them either. Stronger controls over financial accountability in depts. would also save taxpayers money and embarassing headlines. Tell me where there is countywide financial accountability. The Herald reports some pretty loathesome mgt. staff who are not held accountable. and just quietly moved to other departments, meanwhile keeping a nice salary and benes. when THEIR ASSES SHOULD BE FIRED. Firing incompetent mgt. would send a strong msg. to rank and file so that there will be less motive to commit crimes while increasing morale tenfold. I know there are stories in every dept. about lazy staffers who sit & gossip & brown nose their protectors. Those people should be fired saving the depts more $$. Also, stronger charter changes, lobbyist control, whistleblower protection, reduction in number of commissioners & Commissioners elected at large would be some things we all need to be involved in. Rank and file will be o.k. Houses need to be cleaned when they are dirty. We would be derelict in our duty as citizens not to expect more accountability from our elected officials who set the tone for County executives. These recall election was decided by a very small fraction of voters. We need to pay attention to what is happening at county hall. It may end up being a better regional government than the duplicitious one it is now with all of the municipalities. I don't like to be taxed twice for similar services.
I'm no Lynda Bell fan, but isn't painting all of South Dade politics as a "cesspool" a bit much?
Every region and neighborhood in this county has its own political chaos and South Dade is no different.
As a long time South Dade resident, I say get your own house in order before launching rocks at ours.
Victor Diaz for mayor. I had the opportunity to observe him through many meetings about charter reform.Unlike Miguel de Dandy, he fought hard for citizen's rights. Second choice, supreme crime fighter, smart guy and former senator Dan Gelber.
Bell must be nuts to even talk to James Humble or Cody.
The first person that needs to be fired is fire chief Herminio Lorenzo. He is a crony of Alvarez and a crony of Hudak.
Clean house at the fire department. Overpaid administrators that make the rank and file look bad. Go after them!
Just look at Jane Feuer. She is tied directly to Alvarez and they placed her at fire with a salary of over 200K!
Please clean house at fire!
Lynda Bell was elected because she presented herself as the person who was going to hurt the County the most. Voters were angry and they want to see hurtful things happen to government. She knows that there is a list out there where numerous watchdogs are keep score on how she performs. She will stay in office if she keeps her promises of reforming MDC. So far she has done nothing that try to build her own Taj Mahal offices in Palmetto Bay, vote for additional debt in the form of a $200 million bond issue and utterly fail to act on the promised reforms.
Her tea party base will turn on her in the harshest way when she fails to cut salaries and expenses of government as well as fail to actually cut the property tax rate to stimulate the local economy.
The local Church groups will turn on her when she fails to deliver on cutting fees that Churches pay to the County as well as not passing money to them 'in partnership' for outsourced services that they would like to take over from the County. County money for faith-based day care anyone? Will she cut abortions at County taxpayer run hospitals? I doubt it.
The reformers that she fooled are waiting for her to act on her promises for term limits and other changes. Has Lynda cut her staff? Nope. Has Lynda refused her car allowance? Has she? Has Lynda improved services at South Dade Government Center? Nope, and in fact she cut and run, forcing any taxpayer who encounters a service issue at the Center to travel to Palmetto Bay, rather than simply going upstairs to meet their commissioner or at least staff which they could do for the 16 years of Sorenson.
I hope that these reformers are not holding their breath for Lynda to deliver as we want them alive and angry for the reelection effort.
Lynda wrote a big check. Can she cover it?
All Lynda has accomplished to date is printing up her nameplate for the signs noting County projects initiated under Sorenson and covered Katy's name with Lynda, taking credit for Sorenson's work. It will be some time, if at all, before we see any initiative work its way from Lynda's drawing board to delivery.
There is one thing I believe has changed: voters are keeping score and will be ready to vote out the posers. Bell will have trouble funding her campaign if she does not deliver for the rock miners and land speculators.
It will be interesting to see if she can walk the tightrope she has strung for herself. Let's hope its enough rope for her to hang herself politically. The fact that she still uses Castillo as her official point of contact demonstrates either her paranoia or lack of autonomy. The lack of self-confidence or the lack her controllers have in her to let her off leash.
I am sure she will have the "Eye" on her throughout her term, all in archive form, so the opposition research will be there for anyone who wants to run against her.
The 2010 elections were an aberrational election. Remember, Gov. Scott, Attorney Gen. Biondi, Cong. Rivera and Commissioner Bell. There will be a corrective election to follow, just as when Newt lost his Speakership when the electorate saw he/they failed to keep the 'contract with America.'
Also remember that Seijas was great at taking the bullet. It may have finally blown up on her, but she was no coward. Lynda is no Seijas on this standard. Everyone has to admit that Seijas never hid. You knew where she stood. Lynda will not be able to hide behind Seijas' skirt. Lynda will have to work to earn the PAC money that Seijas was able to raise.
Stay ready, stay vigilant. Keep the faith.
Bell's indeed "nuts".
The 2009 Growth "Management" Act just passed the house with the 2/3rds needed to over ride the slight "unconstitutional" issue.
Now it goes to the State Senate.
Let's pave all the way to the Everglades, and/or Rock Mine our way to salt water instrution all the way to the 'glades!
Thanks to our great Delagation, pat yourself on the back for absolutely destroying what little left we have of the environment, open space or any type of quality of life!
I actually have a shorter message to the moron's in the FL House - Go F yourselfs!
Watch what you say.
Lynda's liable to go upside your head with a Bible.
Boy the “Lynda Bell” cheap shots are never ending. I guess Pepe Diaz, Brunito, Joe, Souto are now all statesman…
... the next departure should be
Rick Beasley from South Florida Workforce, who is responsible for 15% unemployment.
People get the government they deserve. How do these people get elected in the first place? Low voter turnout, uninformed voters, voters who listen to 30-second commercials and are swayed by the message. The lack of knowledge about our government is shocking. It's easy to pick a villain of the day, harder to build a community.
Last Anon. You've got that right.
I am a member of the county rank and file (not in the police or fire departments). The atmosphere at work yesterday was anything but one characterized by chaos and sloth. Never is. I, and many (most?) of my coworkers, spent the day like any other; working our asses off and doing our job. Not because we make some mythical six-figure salaries, but because we believe in what we do and in contributing to this community. The current political mess isn't going to change that, though it may make it harder. I happen to work for DERM, the department Lynda Bell chose to target for a public pillorying as one of her very first acts after getting elected. If you had attended this "townhall meeting" you might have come away with the belief that it is the "will of the people" that DERM be eliminated; since, after all, the EPA and FDEP can do the job. No matter that these agencies have virtually no presence in Miami-Dade County and, when they do, they almost invariably don't do their job or they screw things up when they try. DERM, or more accurately, a core of especially dedicated DERM staff, are frequently the only ones in government that are looking out for the environment in this County; the only ones standing between the likes of VNS and the manatees, if you will. Working to prevent the damage done by an uninformed and apathetic populace and electorate. DERM staff often not only do their jobs, but also those of other County departments, like the BNC and P&Z. Look at who takes the heat for trying to clean up the 8.5 Square Mile Area and C-9 Basin, for example. So it irks me when I see "the County" and "County workers" all being tarred with the same broad brush. Most people in this county really have no clue about everything the County - and particularly DERM - does do to make this place better, or at least to slow the pace of its getting worse. DERM is certainly not beyond reproach. Some of its harshest critics are among its most dedicated employees. But I would hate to see this place without DERM.
let's not forget tht the budget mess we are all in is due to the stadium and the tunnel. make no mistake the interest payments are coming from operating revenues. Spend, for the rich and screw the rest. it is always the same. who you know determines how far u go.
Last anon,
You are flat out wrong. The debt payments on those bonds are not coming from the Operating Budget (or more specifically the Property Tax Supported General Fund).
As a matter of fact, the sources for the Stadium Debt Payments (CDT/TDT) have come in higher than numbers used to forecast the capacity.
As far as the tunnel, the County's portion is not paid until the back-end of construction. Aside from to environmental testing, it has been all State Funds so far.
Get your facts straight.
DERM Employee above, you forget to mention the most important aspect of DERM's work -- to protect the drinking water for all of Miami-Dade County and Monroe County residents and visitors!
Also, you didn't mention Carlos Espinosa's suprise announcnement re: his retirement at the end of May. It is most likely due to the Tallahassee shenanigans over the State Pension but you know those nuts from the Town Hall meeting are going to take credit for pushing him out.
I heard that VNB (Vile Nasty Bell, for future reference)stood by and allowed Carlos E be thrown to the dogs during that meeting.
VNB is so disappointing. I expect my commissioner to represent civility and politeness in her dealings, as she is supposed to be a business professional when she represents the public(or so I thought).
VNB should stop holding meetings that are advertised for her district and then spend the entire time allowing another commissioners' constituents make an ass out of her.
The 8.5 Mile Gang (Moss' District) has a sad story...but they bought into the swamp. When you buy swampland and you get what comes with it. That is called doing your due diligence...It also means don't take "free" mulch...there is a reason why it was free.
DERM did not cause their issues. And no, I am not a county employee.
PS: There was political payback in that meeting as well. The leader of the 8.5 mile group worked the VNB campaign.
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