David Rivera's 'friend' Esther Nuhfer is really raking in the dough. The gambling PAC gave her about $120,000 in 2007. The Republicans gave her company $150,000 in 2010, with little accounting according to reporters Scott Hiaasen and Patricia Mazzei, and Rivera also gave Esther's company a bundle from his campaign.
It pays to be saddled on to the right people. Just an aside: Look at Rivera's fingertips in the photo at left...creepy? Maybe.
According to a 2009 St. Pete Times article:
"Consultant-lobbyist Esther Nuhfer earned most of her $201,000 from the campaign and political committee of her friend, Republican Rep. David Rivera of Miami."
Maybe someone should check out Rubio's campaign reports to see if Esther has that magic touch with other candidates.
Good eye, In an experiment, I just had my husband put his arm around me as Rivera is doing in the photo. Those fingers creeping out under her arm is not acceptable. It felt invasive when my husband did it so I think that might be a sign of more than a business relationship with these two.
There are better places to put one's hand when standing next to a woman.
LOL - Looks like she is wearing a bad prom dress.
Where else would he put his hand? On her butt?
His other hand is tucked into the hem of his jacket... The photographer was posing them.
She is prettier than he is.
Who is she?
Has she run any local commission campaigns?
for 270K +++ I'm sure David can put his hands anywhere he wants on her.
youbetah yep she purtier than Dvaid Rivera but that don't say much.
I Guess all that money couldn't buy her a smidgen of taste.
Hope the bulls weren't running that day.
The pic should be titled, or featured in a segment of "What not to Wear!". Why would you want a seam running down the front of your dress like that, not to mention the gaudy color/material!
Yes, the running of the Bulls must have been on the horizon.
But, to get back to the $$$. If I were a GOP Donor - I'd be asking a lot more questions before giving a Dime to Florida.
Garcia wasn't the purest either. He pissed off a lot of Dem's. So, I don't think it was just a GOP vote for Rivera.
I would like to know more about what exactly this woman does to yeild her so much campaign cash.
Inquiring minds!
Bianca E. Nuhfer (student) gave $500 to Rivera's campaign and John J. Nuhfer gave $1200 from her Homestead address. Artilles campaign paid her $4500. Trujillo campaign paid her $11,500. She is partners with Artiles or Trujillo's wife in a corp, cant remember which. Been linked with Cire Andino.
What has Esther Nuhfer done in Miami?
She has been a consultant on campaigns and for the gambling interests??? Isn't that clear?
Most everything she has worked on is in Miami-dade county, the issues/candidates. All seen to have a common thread, a Rivera connection.
All the comments about people's weight and what they wear makes this whole blog a little gay.
Here is how it works. Rivera "hires" Esther Nuhfer's company for miscellaneous ambiguous political work. Nuhfer then cashes the check. She keeps a decent portion for herself, but returns the lion's share to Rivera in the form of cash.
Although Rivera can't name his employer, you really didn't believe he was going without money all these years, did you?
Not 'gay' you must mean superficial..oops too big a word -how about shallow?
And... The BLOG didn't say one word about the dress or the weight. The COMMENTS did.
"Been linked with Cire Andino"... Why does this crap always end up getting flushed down to Hudstead!
Ah, and then walks in the Steve Shiver connection. She was married to him for a split second or two.
What's even funnier, Lynda Bell used Rivera's campaign office for her workers too (the ones who aparently worked for free - yea right)!
OMG, what a tangled web and the money trail of cash is just mind boggling.
And, just so I'll irritate the person who made the comment about the dress comments-and as some one else has written, money can't buy you taste!
I also can't stand that Cruella color nail polish either!
NOW the Herald is on the right track! Esther is THE KEY to Rivera's money laundering and has been for years.
Things will move fast now: either he marries her to prevent her from testifying against him, or she starts singing like a canary!
Esther Nuhfer has never hidden nor has she ever kept quiet. She ran her business from Rivera's Florida House office. In fact, she boasted about it! She and Alina Garcia boasted - and quite loudly at that - that they ran Rivera's house office. He in turn, ran his campaign from the M-D GOP office. It wasn't a secret. It was visible and audible. Very audible because they were SO LOUD in the Capitol!
She keeps a decent portion for herself, but returns the lion's share to Rivera in the form of cash.
Who pays the taxes on what part?
I don't like the dress. It is merely editorial comment. Taste counts! Her cellulite probably is showing on the rear. Meow! =^..^=
Additionally, I think fingers in an armpit is rather forward...I would be squirming to get away. Do we want our elected officials fingering armpits?
For the record: my word verification word is: doody :) How fitting for Rivera.
Pretty incredible. Why isn't the lamestream media all over this story?
she has no taste and the money to prove it.
You all are hard on this gal. I thought she was very attractive. Don't like her politics but she is easy on the eyes.
He looks like an undertaker. Will he resign to avoid 5 years in the slammer? or will he still do time ? Who steps in to run for that seat?
Isn't that Snookie from Jersey Shore?
I must say that you guys are completely out of line. I dont support anyone, but do not think this community would be too happy if others were making those comments of Jim Defede or other people you side with. If I was a friend of this blog and overweight, I would be insulted by these postings and the fact that the author allowed them.
I agree with you last commenter, what can I say, our readers are immature. The woman is hot. Nothing like a buxom woman in a red dress. They are all crazy. However, if I edited out all the zany comments we would have no readers on this blog.
So, did she take the money and bounce it back to him as a business expense? Just askin'.
I think they already made Jim Defede comments last week.
On the background of Esther Neufer: please send any specific details to us as confidential information to either of us, at gimleteyemiami@yahoo.com
You lefties really are hypocrites your suppose to be the good guys. Obesse people need love to if lurch is tagging her so what.
As to campaign cash look at any campaign u get involved in they are all the same as this one.
I worked for Garcia and the campaign manager kept my last check and they did not spend any money on the campaign.
That is why Joe Garcia lost his campaign was awful. sTR8 FROM THE DNC TOP DAWGS MOUTHS!!!!!!!!!!!
this Nupher girl is the neice of Armando Gutierrez. That can't be good....
C cup?
OH my lord, I am not a fan of David - but jeeze, do we need to tear her a part. She is very pretty. The dress doesn't photograph well. Man, I have made that mistake before. Obviously she's a good business woman. Unless someone proves she's doing something funny with the money, I would focus on the guy standing next to her.
Ok, here's my 2 cents. Yeah, she's sexy - and yeah his finger tips are where they are. Now I don't want to defend him, but he didn't have a lot of safe real estate there to place his hand on. His reach is about perpendicular to his elbow. Higher and he's touching skin; lower and he's nearing ass. So his options are limited.
Now when a woman is attractive, invariably every body suspects something else - which I do not think is fair to those sexy women that are not putting out and just merely doing a job.
However, all said, I do believe he is a scumbag and a dumb liar and should be removed asap.
"Now when a woman is attractive, invariably every body suspects something else - which I do not think is fair to those sexy women that are not putting out and just merely doing a job."
Thank you for saying this. We objectify people all the time on this blog, and it is fun. I just would like to think that when we do it - we are basing in on their scumbag actions and not on something frivolous. We can leave that kind of behavior to Deco Drive.
Why do women have to be judged how they look? Her face is attractive, so shes a little chubby and her dress is gaudy...I don't see anyone critizing him. As far as his hand? Should he put it on top of her head? WHat a bunch of prudes! She's linked with "Cire Andino"? SO? Cire is nobody. She's a former AT&T employee, a former Miami-Dade Co. employee, and the former Mrs. Shiver. SO? What has Cire done for Miami? Any money she may have is just a good divorce settlement from Steve Shiver. At least Nuhfer has a good brain in her head.
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