Natacha made a grand entrance, she was tardy. Ivy Korman is testifying for Natacha's side. She was paid $5,000 to testify. She worked for elections department before she retired. Attorney Cody tried to get her designated as an expert. Miami Voice attorney Ben Kuehne objected-and the judge agreed--no expert.
I can't believe Kendall Coffey is not questioning Korman. She is basically saying the notary didn't print their name under their signature. Very nit-picky in my opinion. I'm bored but the judge seems interested in what is going on. I am hungry. All I had today was cereal. If this is all they've got they will lose I'm sitting next to TV reporter Michael Putney. Putney and the Herald reporter aren't writing so I don't feel so bad. Oops now they are writing.
The judge wanted them to get to the legal arguments -- what they want the court to do. Thank God. Ivy has stepped down but she is not excused- she hasn't been cross examined by Miami Voice attorneys. Now Coffey is arguing the case. He is saying voter intent is not relevant to petitions only voting. He said there are no grounds to recall the vile one.
Kuehne is objecting that Harvey Ruvin is not part of the proceedings. He also is saying they are not arguing about the voters signatures at all. He said the public's voice should be heard at an election. The County attorney believes Ruvin, the clerk, should be brought in too. Coffey is saying recalls are punitive. We are adjourned.
Natacha came up to me and angrily warned me to stop taking pictures. In unison three union guys behind her (big, hulking guys) took my picture and the picture of the Miami Herald reporter who was standing next to me the whole time. I don't know, is it good form to threaten a witness in front of a reporter? I think it was in bad taste at a minimum. Natacha has bullied people for so long she doesn't even know when it is improper.
It's hilarious that Natacha wasted $5,000 on a non-expert. LOL!
one look at VNS should check your appetite.
Believe me, it wasn't HER money that was wasted. Ask Sergito whose money it was.
Historic photo. Fan-Tas-Tic.
Great photo!
I can't believe Coffey didn't recuse himself.
Joanie who????
You should have taken pic's of the thugs from the Unions. If there's one reason why we should not support the Unions - today was a pure example. Bullying people does not win friends.
In fact, when I work the polls during the recall, I'll tell the voters what the Unions are doing to undermine their freedom of speech and their right to vote!
I did take their picture.
Wow. Natacha and the Unions picking on Geniusofdespair! It speaks to the power of the blog and new media (that can't be threatened by withdrawal of advertisement). Natacha used to say that she doesn't read the Herald or news outlets that use ink by the barrel. But apparently she does read Eyeonmiami. Pretty cool for a little blog.
Post the pics of the union thugs and let your readers see if we can identify them.
But I have no beef with the unions so I won't print them...unless they have a beef? They might get off the sinking ship.
Omg Genius those union guys will have you wacked they are mean SOB's. Watch out!
The unions will see the light!
Repent, Union Bosses, Repent!
Thanks for the blow by blow coverage. If you are hungry we are having pizza. You are always welcome at our house!
What you leave out is that Judge Donner does not designate ANY witness as an expert, so it's nothing against the PAC or Seijas.
What I included in my IPhone report was accurate. It was a shorthand of what happened, think of it as a long tweet. You want to add details do it without attitude that somehow I should include everything.
So what happened? Did everybody leave the courthouse? Are we now just waiting for the judge to issue a ruling? If so, when is that expected?
Yes, yes, no one knows--- day or two?
Boy Natacha really knows how to throw her weight around. Hey Genius did you get close enough to smell the sulfuric flatulence coming out of her, I did when you banished me to her realm PEEEEEWWWW!!!!!
What is most concerning about the photo episode with the union guys...
If it was John Rivera and his VPs, it should be noted that they are police officers carrying badges and their behavior suggests intimidation. They are NOT paid to intimidate anyone.
Not to mention, certain people are not pleased that their union dues went in a check to to a certain commissioners PAC.
First of all, union dues are not used for political donations. That is illegal.
Union PAC donations pale by comparison to the huge sums of money given to our politicos by wealthy corporations.
Not all the local public employee unions support VNS.
Ivy must have a problem with citizen's petitions. She was the mastermind behind the rumor during the first VNS recall that petition collectors folded petitions so that people could not read what they were signing. Not true but her analysis was taken seriously enough that investigators asked people if they could read the petition. That was while she was working for the county. Now she is testafying for VNS and is an "expert" for the mayor's petitions. Wonder what she did to screw the public while she was on the inside for many years. With public employees like her, it's no wonder our elections are suspect.
Great picture! I had skipped lunch and was also hungry!
Case dismissed Tuesday afternoon.
Case refiled. More to come.
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