Tuesday, December 21, 2010

There Are Enough Signatures to Recall Mayor Alvarez. By Geniusofdespair

County Clerk Harvey Ruvin has announced there are enough signatures to recall Miami Mayor Alvarez according to the Miami Herald.


Anonymous said...

so the dictator is dictating

Anonymous said...

I have been hearing from numerous City of Hialeah vendors that Ralph Arza, former State Rep, is calling all of them, and basically forcing them to commit money to a potential Robaina campaign.... YUCK!

Anonymous said...

Bu Bye UDB. Taxes go up and down, but the UDB never moves inward. What are the real motives by Brahman? He would kill the environment to save a few bucks on taxes? Oh wait, isn't that the battle cry of the pro-development Republicans: "scorch and burn the environment to scrape out a few temporary jobs.

Commissioner Bell is wrong about evolution being false science. Evolution is cyclical. We have witnessed the troglodytes (or at least their political party) re-inherit South Florida.

Anonymous said...

So what happens next?

Does Alvarez resign to allow the commission to make an appointment?

Does Burgess jump ship? (Why did Linda Quick write that Op-Ed this weekend opposing a long time county bureaucrat becoming the next CEO? Hmmm.)

Will the commission agree to a short timeline for recall to try to avoid having their own recalls on the same ballot with the Alvarez sinking ship?

Who on the BCC will stand up to protect the taxpayers from having to fund a series of elections?

Wouldn't it be cool to have a media outlet asking these questions?

Geniusofdespair said...

I heard Burgess had his eye on the Public Health Trust.

Anonymous said...

Just imagine how much tax money Burgess can give away at the Health Trust!

Are the Marlins expanding into health care?

youbetcha' said...

LOL - nope, no baseball ....

Burgess hasn't made his 30 years in the state retirement system... and apparently, he isn't cut out to finish his last 2 years as a Zoo Keeper. Of course, if you are going to be booted out of your county job, what better place to go than the Health Trust? He can take his favorite little minions over there and make his high five for retirement even higher!

He must have been delighted when the Jax CEO non-renewed her contract. Or, was she set up so she would retire for his benefit?

Yay, it's a home run for Burgess, without ever going near the stadium!

Anonymous said...

Burgess is a scumbag. He totally sold out the taxpayers by diverting over $3.5 BILLION to the privately owned Marlins. He let the Marlins keep 100% of all revenues yet the taxpayers pay 99.9% or more of all expenses. Burgess even made the taxpayers loan the Marlins their rent money. "Such a deal."

Carlos Alvarez should be recalled for not firing Burgess.

LPN said...

Mayor Robaina of Hialeah does not stand a chance. He has been mayor for some time and just look at the city with their continued fiascos, bad zoning practices, too many elderly, public and alf housing everywhere, many streets still flooding and unfixed, problems with police and fire unions, etc., etc., etc.,

The guy should be more concerned with bigger problems he will soon have and leave the county to more competent and honest individuals. Those Hialeah crooks should be recalled by their citizens!!!

Anonymous said...

i hear the clerk certified natacha's signatures

Anonymous said...

lets see how many people will actually go out and vote for the recall to go through...

take the poll:

Anonymous said...

Burgess may deny it, but he was responsible for the Public Health Trust as it ran into the ground. It was county funds that were mismanaged, and Burgess is the county manager. And just look at Burgess' record of scandal at the Housing Agency, Transit Department, Water & Sewer Dept., Police Department, Empowerment Zone, MMAP, etc, etc. Burgess is not the answer to the PHT problem; he IS the PHT problem.