Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Recall: NBC Video. By Geniusofdespair

The video didn't work so I chucked it.

I really admire Vanessa Brito for sticking with this recall effort. I hope she snares Bruno Barreiro. Her group, Miami Voice, has till the 24th of December to submit signatures. Nice way to spend her holiday. Thanks Vanessa for all your work and especially for getting the signatures in for the Natacha Seijas recall!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

give me a break... and dear vanessa please dress more professionally

Jose said...

I love the way she thinks and dresses. You are wonderful, Vanessa!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Vanessa, You might have sparked the male species with the plunging neckline, but like the other anon above ---be more professional in this kind of activity. It might make CBS & Nightline, and you don't need to look and pose like the likes of "Entertainment Tonight,"
Your work is excellent and complimentary, and the inhabitants of Miami Dade are thankful for
to you and your staff.

A male admirer

Geniusofdespair said...

Yes Vanessa is a fox. When I snapped this photo Vanessa had been sitting in the sun for hours on a 90's plus day. She was dressed appropriately-- I just got a good angle. Puritans why are you reading this blog?

Anonymous said...

Hay Genius,

What's wrong with being a little Puritanical in these days of pro-
miscuity? Decency can grow along like the tares and the wheat.
The photo doesn't have to resemble the pages of the Miami Times.
The complements Vanessa was given far outweigh the negative photo.

Why not read the blog. We like
E-O-M & its substance!

A male admirer