Thursday, July 15, 2010

NRC Scoping Meeting About the 2 new Nukes at Turkey Point. By Geniusofdespair

They have about a thousand chairs for this Turkey Point expansion meeting...but no people. It shows the Nuclear Regulatory Commission how much we care-- not a lot.


Anonymous said...

Longtime Family Furniture Business to Change Hands

I hear Armando Gutierrez Sr. is getting into the furniture business.

He says his son will be taking over management of El Dorado Furniture in the next year, and he will "own that business" in the next 2-3 years. Perhaps this is the retirement he has been talking about over the last year.


Anonymous said...

Little do the people of this County know that the company that is putting those reactors there has not been complying with all the required environmental guidelines and regulations. This was a great deal worked out in County Hall in the Manager's office.

Anonymous said...

There's going to be a 2nd meeting tonight which will probably be better attended. Mid afternoon is rough for those who work during the day, especially when there's another option.

David said...

Maybe, just maybe, there's no one there because most people understand that electricity is a necessity and FPL has been providing it safely, reliably, and affordably for many, many years; and they are trusting the future will be more of the same.

The company has not been perfect, but we could do much worse. It's certainly not the corporate wolf in sheep's clothing you guys love to portray it as being.

Anonymous said...

Location, location, location - David! I don't object to Nuclear, I object to a road widening in the middle of CERP, Salt Water instrusion and sketchy safety issues!

Anonymous said...

Armando Guttierez won't make money at El Dorado, because there is going to be no-- and i mean, no-- money in housing developments for more than a decade. All those fools are going to be in new lines of work. Muffler repair. That's the ticket.

Malcolm said...

Get your priorities straight Genius and join us at the Triple A for the next LeBron, DWade, and Chris Bosh welcoming party. So what if we glow in the dark soon we're all going to be NBA CHAMPIONS!

Geniusofdespair said...

Malcolm - yes that is THE priority. I am going to save the Miami Heat Three Kings page from the Miami Herald today...maybe frame it.

Anonymous said...

maybe the evening scoping meeting was better attended.