Thursday, July 08, 2010

Miami-Dade GOP Chairman, recent Tallahassee pal of Marco Rubio, repeat domestic violence offender? by gimleteye

The blog, Down With Tyranny, reports as breaking news: "BREAKING! Miami GOP Chairman Asked to Resign Over Domestic Violence Record". DWT writes, "I can only imagine Rivera, who bought and shared a house in Tallahassee with then-Speaker Marco Rubio-- a house that has since been foreclosed on for 6 months worth of non-payment of mortgage-- becoming a pariah for the national Republican Party. Interesting company, Rubio keeps.


Anonymous said...

I'm certain this is a different person w the same name

Anonymous said...

^^^^If you believe that, I have some swamp land I'd like to sell you.^^^^

Anonymous said...

there seems to be a trend of wives that have husbands in important positions or in elected office.
They get back at their husbands by callling the police and claiming abuse. They know this will destroy their husband's image.
It is a shame, as most of these allegations have mostly been proven false (mostly...not all of them)... they just want to destroy their husbands. I believe women should be protected from real abusers, but if the husband is a public figure, the authorities should REALLY investigate the incident and not get gun-happy, waiting to spread this all over the media.

David Rivera Wife Beater said...

First, it's disgusting anyone would rush to defend a guy with a criminal background like this.

Second, David Rivera has never been married. In 1994 he was a student at FIU not a politician. Therefor argument this was a wife trying to get at a public official just doesn't hold water.

Third, Rivera has already been caught lying about something as common knowledge as his friendship with a guy because he sells food to Cuba. How can anyone expect him to come clean on this?

Fourth, the Rivera domestic violence stuff is common knowledge among GOP circles. The problem is that nobody has had the balls to say it.

Fifth, it's on the COUNTY PUBLIC RECORDS WEBSITE and it's the same name. How many David M. Riveras can there be that dated that woman???? Everyone knows they dated.