Thursday, July 15, 2010

A Loss for Krome Gold Zoning Hearing Last Night. By Geniusofdespair

The community council meeting didn't go well for Rodney Barreto last night. See my June 23rd Post on his development Krome Gold. They needed a super majority but only got 3 for and 2 against, so it did not pass. Jeff Wander voted yes, putz. The chair of the community council agreed to let it be heard again in September.


Anonymous said...

So when's the last time the "Growth Machine" and their "Engineering Cartel" won a hearing that mattered in Dade County? How long are you going to play the victim? It's time to admit that residents have power and plenty of it, and to use that power for progressive ideas and their implementation, not just griping.

Anonymous said...

Three members of CC11 are trying to pretend that they don't get it. We'll make sure and tell it to them straight next time. It would help to have a large audience. Hope you all show up. I am not sure they will allow you to wear miner's hats, but you might try. Could there be something criminal going on with three of them?

Anonymous said...

Rock mining is a progressive idea?

Anonymous said...

It's a financial bail out. If you consider that "progressiv", than - yes. I would use the word "collusion." That one seems to fit better.

outofsight said...

It really wasn't a loss. They are back in September because they got the deferral and then they will get the vote.

Juan Mayol did exactly what he did the last time they had a "loss"...once he got the vote that he didn't like and he asked for a deferral to the next meeting. The 3 pro development board members played right along.

As one speaker pointed out that was like voting the US president, not liking the outcome, so demanding another vote.

Anonymous said...

The system is broke, because of the Engineering Cartel and the Growth Machine. Fix it.

Machado said...

Broken System or Corrupt System?

Talking about broken system, one only needs to lightly scratch the surface of Miami Dade Politics to find out.

I hear Armando Gutierrez Sr. is now getting into the furniture business. Apparently, he plans to take over the CAPO family owned El Dorado Furniture. Supposedly his son will be managing that business within one year, and he will own it in 2-3 years. That could just be the big retirement he was needing.

Anonymous said...

Notice how many of the CC-11 members are cozy with Mayol's community "organizers," Jose Luis Castillo and Tim Hyman? Somebody ought to see how much those two are paid. Ditto for Lawrence Pervical who is allowed to speak at any length for any development.

Take note of the upcoming campaign contributions for Chairwoman Davis' campaign, which will involve Castillo, who is also involved in the Carla Savola State House and Lynda Bell Commission campaigns. It's just a matter of following the money.

Anonymous said...

Is Davis still in the race?