Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Letter From State Rep. Candidate Frank Artiles. By Geniusofdespair

Figured it was easier to let you read this...I wrote about this guy previously:

Frank Artiles wrote to me - an editor - and now doesn't want the letter published. I took it down because I am a nice guy. Why not state that when writing to a news media in the first place -- this letter is NOT for publication -- Mr. Candidate for District 119. A letter to an editor is assumed to be for publication. Additionally, if you talk to a reporter you have got to expect to see it in print. Here is Artiles NEW letter which he edited for publication:

Dear GeniusofDespair,

I would like to inform you that your June 13th statement, “Frank Artiles is a Republican and he has raised $96,765. Most of his money is from insurance groups -- and I do mean MOST OF IT. What the hell did he promise these insurance people?.” was misleading. The term “Insurance groups/people”, has connotation of Insurance Companies and the Special Interests that successfully lobby the legislature.

The term that should have been used is “Consumer advocates”. The Majority of donations that I have received have come from Public Adjusters, Appraiser and Umpires. Public adjusters represent homeowners against insurance companies when they have suffered a loss to their property. Appraisers represent homeowners and Insurance Carriers as part of a three person arbitration panel and Umpires are the arbitrators/Judges who decide the amount and scope of loss.

Through my years of working with these professionals they have decided to support my campaign. Moreover, I have funded the campaign with personal money yet there is no mention of it.

Furthermore, I have not promised anything to anyone, group, entity, business owner, attorney, accountant or otherwise.

I respectfully request that you correct this statement and verify any facts by simply calling or emailing me.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Keep up the good work!!!

Frank Artiles- Candidate for District 119 (I LIKED YOUR FIRST LETTER BETTER)


Anonymous said...

Look who is supporting this clown.

Speaker Designate Dean Cannon
Chairman Will Weatherford
Representative Chris Dorworth
William "Chip" Merlin, Jr., Esq.
Rodney Barreto
Miguel De Grandy, Esq.
Ben Alvarez, Esq.
Fausto Gomez
Manny Reyes
Esther Nuhfer

Cordially invite you to a fundraising reception for


Candidate for
State House District 119

Tuesday, July 13th, 2010
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

At The Temple House
1415 Euclid Avenue
Miami Beach, FL 33139

Anonymous said...

Rodney Barreto
Miguel De Grandy, Esq.

Those two alone are reasons I would NEVER support this candidate and I live in 119!

Anonymous said...

Commissioner Jose "Pepe" Diaz, Mayor Manny Marono
Mr. Wayne Rosen and Mr. Jose K. Fuentes

Cordially Invite You to a Fundraiser Reception for the Election of


For the Florida State House of Representatives, District 119

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
The Home of Mr. & Mrs. Rosen
277 Galeon Court
Coral Gables, FL 33134

Geniusofdespair said...

Hmmm, the host committee members don't sound very good. If I voted in this district those names would turn me off big time.

Wayne Rosen is one of the developers I watch out for. And Miguel De Grandy and Rodney Barreto: Yikes!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a who's who of scum. Look out people of district 119, my former district. Frank is one of those perenial candidates who can't wait to play with the big boys.

Anonymous said...

sounds like all that are against him, are coming out of the woodwork.
He is a good guy; stop trying to mess-up his image. No, I am not Artiles ...pleeeeeze.

Geniusofdespair said...

People running should think about the names on their host committees because the campaign managers surely don't.

Anonymous said...

people running are just trying to raise funds so that they can run, period. It doesn't matter where nor from whom the money comes from. It doesn't mean anything... only that without funds, you can't really run. Unfortunately, that is the way it is and has been throughout history.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous two before this post --

Dirty campaign money is like water. You can let the water get a little brackish - but when the water starts to stink, that's when you know you can't drink it anymore. With Artiles, we are there. The water stinks and I would not drink it.

Anonymous said...

I consider dirty campaign money as money laundered from drug deals, etc. Monies from people you may not like nor agree with, is just plain money.
As a matter of fact, every $500 contribution means they have $500 less, and the candidate(*if elected) can turn out to be a breath of fresh air and do good things for our communities.
Bottom line, you may have the greatest of intentions, but without money, you can't get the exposure needed to get your message across. You would have no chance (unless you are born with a silver spoon in your mouth).

Anonymous said...

To the people making a big deal about who are contributing to this guy's campaign: are you new to this country? are you still a student? are you underage? Wake up! Anyone can contribute to a political campaign! If you think or have some proof--read the law first--there's something wrong with the contributions he receives, then sue him! Btw, are you aware that Bill Clinton raises $ for his foundation by courting big-league interests in the Middle East while his wife is Secretary of State? Why don't you investigate that? Do you know that Obama's last campaign received donations from people and organizations in the Middle East that support Hamas, and the Muslim Brotherhood? He never disclosed the source of his funds, neither he has disclosed his college records, but wrote a book where he brags about not going to class and smoking marihuana and doing other drugs and booze. How the heck did he get into Harvard, huh? Shouldn't all this worry you more than this local guy getting 10 people to contribute to him?