Friday, July 09, 2010

Joe Celestin just keeps on running. By Geniusofdespair

Bonefish Partners is seeking to foreclose on a $400,000 mortgage they gave to Joe Celestin (aka Josaphat Celestin, aka Josephat Celestin). Joe was the Mayor of North Miami at one time. Bonefish is a Corporation owned by Michael Swerdlow who also was doing the joint venture Biscayne Landing in North Miami -- during the time Joe Celestin was Mayor. The mortgage came after Joe left office but it sure smells fishy to me, especially since Joe had all sorts of financial trouble at the time and there didn't appear to be any real collateral for the $400,000 loan, just a piece of property in a crappy neighborhood.

Celestin also has about $30,000 in federal tax liens according to County records and he appears to be about 3 years behind on his property taxes. He always struck me as a flim-flam man, he was investigated by the State Attorney's Office. The investigation was closed with a warning letter to clean up his act.

Why am I talking about Joe Celestin? He is running for a Miami Dade County Commission seat in District 2. Yes, there actually might be someone just as bad as Dorrin Rolle. It is really hard to believe. And he is Republican to boot! There are other candidates for this seat, some very good ones. Stay away from Joe voters in District 2...and Dorrin too.


Anonymous said...

I remember when he was running against Frank Wolland for Mayor of North Miami. Jeb Bush gave Joe his endorsement. He is certainly in the "Rolle" category, if not worse (if possible).

Geniusofdespair said...

He didn't win against Wolland when he ran. He was facing another guy, can't recall his name, when he won.

Anonymous said...

Duke Sorrey was his name. Susan Fried ran his campaign.

miaxile said...

cuz you just can't keep a corrupt wanna-be public official down...especially in S. Florida, where bragging rights to "heh heh they've not caught me yet" are, apparently, revered in some circles.

Anonymous said...

$400,000? Was that for a house worth $200,000? Sure looks suspicious.

Wasn't Celestin a huge cheerleader for developer Michael Swerdole? While he was Mayor?

Anonymous said...

Did Joe Celestin get some sort of payback from developer Michael Swerdlow?