Friday, July 16, 2010

Eye On Miami: The Big Change. By Geniusofdespair

You might have noticed, there is one full-time blogger on Eyeonmiami now: Geniusofdespair. I am on the lookout for a replacement second and third blogger to join this successful daily blog. We built up quite a following so you could join in on a good thing...without getting paid of course (some good thing that is, but I guarantee you will have plenty of people to read your rants).

I will go it alone but this is so much work for one person, for that reason, I will not be posting as much as in the past. Since it is summer, I will take advantage and take some time off from posting here and there. Expect the same excellent posts, just less of them.

Thanks for your cooperation and readership.

1 comment:

South Florida Graphic Design said...

I'll miss your post man. Don't forget to post new stuff when you are not busy anymore. Enjoy the summer!