Saturday, June 12, 2010

Please Send Your Neighbors This Amendment 4 Link. By Geniusofdespair

Don't see video? Hit here.

Most people don't know what Florida Amendment 4 is. This is a short, minute primer.... When they know: They will vote for it. There is a slick, well-funded media campaign against it so your activism, spreading the word, is important! Pass the video link on to your friends. Put it on your facebook page.


CATO said...

Truth Police here! little misleading most developers pay "impact fees" and have stuff like road improvements exacted from them in exchange to being allowed build.
So "your" taxes don't pay for development unless your elected officials are misspending the revenues.
I'm sickened by all sides here I may courteously abstain on 4 Its like choosing between being shot by the few or hung by the many.

Geniusofdespair said...

Are you nuts Cato? Developers never pay for the full impact of the developments. Some examples:

They promise schools, building them. The only problem is they don't fund them, staff them, maintain them. They just build a building.

To maintain roads, infrastructure, etc. costs more the further it is from the urban core. To provide water and sewer services costs more as it gets further away -- sprawl -- yet those customers pay at the same level as those not sprawled. We all pay more because of sprawl. Impact fees are a pittance of the real cost.

Anonymous said...

I wish the video had also addressed the anti mantra that it will cause loss of jobs. We know that's not true (how's the current system been workin' for ya?) but jobs are a big issue now. People may vote against it for fear of losing jobs.

Anonymous said...

Developers dont donate or pay for anything. They pay impact fees that are passed through on the sale of the house as are all construction and development costs. The current HOmestead Mayor has created a real fiction that the landscaping on major roads was padi for by developer donations. No they were required to pay and then I am sure passed it on to the buyer.

The omega Man formerly known as Cato said...

NEWS FLASH! End Buyer of anything pays for the cost of making anything including taxes and or exactions, ooops and almost forgot a profit for the guy who put his skin in the game (much to Lenin's and some other folks chagrin).

Genius what about the property taxes generated by the development of raw land into usable residential, commercial or industrial land? aren't those supposed to pay to fill those school buildings?

This is much a do about nothing with the oil spill and lack of any real job base not too many folks are going to be coming here anyway. Retirees will be scared away by high property taxes.

Looks like it might just be me, you and gimspierre arguing on this blog over Florida's future or lack there of. Unless Castro opens the flood gates and we are inundated with grow houses, and shady medical clinics.

out of sight said...

Most of the raw land around here unless it is scattered lot infill, is called Agricultural and farm land. And that is another economic engine that is extremely important.

Unless you are in the Big Farm Business there are people who believe farm lands are good for farming. It is the damnedest thing.

Anonymous said...

Farmland needs to be contiguous Mr. Cato. There is a number of acres that farmland cannot fall below to remain viable and we are near that number.