Tuesday, May 25, 2010

District 8 Candidates: The One Word Answers. By Geniusofespair

The Urban Environment League asked two questions that interested me and asked for one word answers. I looked on the video to get the answers from the candidates.

Do you agree there should be one or two at large seats on the County Commission?
Annette Taddeo - Yes, Jason Culler - No, Danny Marmorstein - No, Gene Flinn - Yes, Pam Gray - Yes, Lynda Bell - No, Albert Harum-Alvarez - Yes.

Should there be term limits for County Commissioners:
Annette Taddeo - Yes, Jason Culler - No, Danny Marmorstein - No, Gene Flinn - Yes, Pam Gray - Yes, Lynda Bell - No, Albert Harum-Alvarez - Yes.

In my opinion, the right answer for both of these questions should have been YES. When I talked to Marmorstein later, he said he thought the term-limit question was 4 years, he told me he was in agreement with an 8 year term-limit. When I explained why at large seats were important -- because districts made it so no commissioners answered to the entire County -- he was more open to that as well. Some of these candidates had better take a crash course on County politics. Frankly, I would rather have 3 Commissioners I could vote for instead of 1 so I am a strong proponent of at large seats.

On another note, I hear the No-Show at the Urban Environment League debate, Obdulio Piedra, is walking in a frenzy house to house. It has been confirmed that he did manage to show up for a Latin Builder's Association Luncheon this week at Jungle Island. Two other District 8 candidates were announced over the PA but I cannot confirm they were there as there were about 500 people in attendance. We will have to wait for the photos. I guess we know where Piedra's priorities are: LBA.


Anonymous said...

The LBA can't be satisfied. More houses, more foreclosures, more growth crack cocaine in farmland.

Anonymous said...

Piedra is in banking. The LBA connection and the early money he's throwing in to this campaign is not surprising. He's either bank rolling this himself or has lots of friends or a combo of both.

He would be a perfect panzy for the unreformable majority. I would expect a lot of TV ads from him too.

Why would he hurt himself at the UEL? He's not going to go anywhere he'll be challenged or questioned by the people he's claiming to want to represent.

The people he's walking with seem to either be paid or given something for free.

I wouldn't give Taddeo a free pass on this Luncheon. It's troubling that she would even be there. She's making more mis steps than anyone running in Dist. 8.

Bell was probably the other candidate, or it may have been someone from another District commission seat.

Inquiring minds would like to know!

Anonymous said...

Those who are against term limits understand the power of incumbency. They are drunk on power and perks and would never, ever willingly give that up. Bell panders to whoever she is speaking to at the moment. An at large seat would make it more difficult for her benefactors and others to control a political race on that scale. We have our share of rude and crude on the dais. We have enough out of touch with reality on the dais and we have enough of what is in it for me on the dais. What we need is a candidate who is savvy, independent and presentable and articulate. Sorry to say, there may not be one of those in this group. Not saying I am either, just pointing out that there has to be something better somewhere in the district.

Anonymous said...

Piedra is just practicing what the rest of Miami practices - Latin politics. That may work in other districts but he's in for one hellova disappointment if he thinks those tactics will work in District 8.

Look at how many other Latins are in this race - 1 and she's clueless.

Anonymous said...

Annette Taddeo was NOT at the Latin Builder's luncheon this week as reported. I don't know where you got that information, but it is incorrect and needs to be clarified ASAP. And what "mis-steps" is Annette Taddeo taking???!!! This comment seems to be coming from one of her opponents and it is obviously meant to discredit her without any cause.

Annette is bright, right on all the issues we support, and clearly the front runner. Annette is FOR growth management and AGAINST moving the UDB, will listen to the people, and two years ago gave a decades long incumbent congresswoman a run for her money. What more do we want?

Anonymous said...

If Annette Taddeo is so bright and right on our issues maybe the rest of the candidates should just drop out of the race, after all, she's soo bright that her own constituency is dismissing her performance time and again. Just take a look at the videos.

And no, "Annie" didn't give the decades-old incumbent a run for her money - President Obama did!

Anonymous said...

"What we need is a candidate who is savvy, independent and presentable and articulate. Sorry to say, there may not be one of those in this group"
I must ask this poster, who would be you're ideal candidate? Probably no one currently running from what it appears.

King James said...

I had friends at the LBA luncheon and they tell me Annette Taddeo was NOT THERE. I agree with the anonymous poster who is asking what mis-steps Taddeo is taking. Didn't she just get into a race where technically none of the candidates has even qualified? Opinions are fine, but if you look at yesterday's postings and today's blog entry, it appears that this is the second example of posting information about Taddeo that is factually incorrect.

I would prefer to learn about the candidates' positions on actual issues as opposed to typical Miami-Dade amateur antics, like making up information when you don't really have something on somebody: like Taddeo.

I don't really care who's walking with whom, but I am interested in thoughts on dealing with matters like the impending crisis at Jackson Memorial.

Anonymous said...

I will be looking into Piedra a lot closer now that I have his material given to me last Saturday. It seems that he's been serving our community for a very long time. Piedra's campaign folks were out this past Saturday and knocked on my door. They did not seem to be paid but rather his family and friends (they looked like it too). I would rather have someone knock on my door than read negative campaign ads.

Anonymous said...

And for the record. Annette's dad was not Anglo as one of your bloggers put it, he was Italian. Sez so in her own website.

I'm just "keeping it real."

Geniusofdespair said...

You said: I must ask this poster, who would be you're ideal candidate? Probably no one currently running from what it appears.

I am the poster: The answer is, I don't know.

It is early in the campaign, the candidates are getting their footing. Let's give them a chance. There are a few I think should not be running. As to the facts on Taddeo...I was told by someone that I trust that Taddeo's name was mentioned as a candidate for district 8 on the PA at the LBA luncheon so I assumed she was there. I removed that from my post as it was questioned. My friend said only 3 candidates were named on the PA, when there are 8. That is odd. I will get the photos later and see who was there.

Geniusofdespair said...

I have two sets of video links on the candidates, some are from the UDB hearing at the County Commission and the other link was yesterday. Watch the videos. The only candidate not on video is the walker PIEDRA.

Anonymous said...

Keeping it real… Taddeo – Jewish? Nope, Colombian, married to one. Father, Anglo –Nope, Italian.. just the facts as per her web. She seems ok. Don’t know what all the mix up is about.

Anonymous said...

Taddeo, Colombian? No problem.

Taddeo's dad, Italian? No problem.

Taddeo's Husband, Jewish? No problem.

Taddeo clueless on the issues? BIG PROBLEM!

Anonymous said...

Personally, I would like to keep race/religion out of the Dist. 8 candidate discussion.

The abortion issue is relevant to me. I cannot support a candidate on any level who thinks it's okay to tell a woman what to do with her own reproductive system.

As to this kind of fitting the mold to garner support/endorsements is like swimming up stream backwards - no one is perfect and no one candidate is going to be everything to everyone.

I will not support a candidate on a learning curve. If they want to learn about County policy, maybe they should start locally first, within their own community, then the District.

I'm at a loss as to defenses of some of the candidates because they don't know enough about the District/County. My answer is - they shouldn't be running. There's only three months left before the run off. That's not a lot of time to learn about the area you want to represent and campaign.

We are looking to replace and outstanding leader in our community. Supporting a candidate who's "learning" is ridiculous.

I want a candidate from this District who knows this District and isn't just getting their footing. It's too late for that.

Anonymous said...

To last anon, You're totally right!

We need someone who is strong enough to say NO! when it needs to be done, not someone who will try to "please" everyone or God forbid, someone who needs to learn about the job while they're running.

That person will just be "eaten alive" by their fellow Commissioners and worse, the hungry lobbysts.

youbetcha' said...

No doesn't mean much when you are outnumbered...

However, if you want someone to say no and then if you want someone who will build alliances, then you better be darn sure that you are willing to allow your commissioner to hold his/her nose and vote for some things that you may not agree with.

Geniusofdespair said...

To the anonymous who said:
"I'm at a loss as to defenses of some of the candidates because they don't know enough about the District/County. My answer is - they shouldn't be running. There's only three months left before the run off. That's not a lot of time to learn about the area you want to represent and campaign."

A comment on Gimleteye's post seems appropriate here:


You want some one fresh who is not beholden to anyone...but then you want someone who knows all the issues. Only the politicians will know the issues. The newcomers can learn the issues.

Anonymous said...

Genius, I don't agree with whoever posted that in regard to only politicians.

Geniusofdespair said...

What I see is the anonymous who said:

"That's not a lot of time to learn about the area you want to represent and campaign." LOOK AT THE NARROW FOCUS...

We want this commissioner to be able to KNOW THE WHOLE COUNTY not just the district, so in my view there is a lot to learn and they can't know it all at the beginning. Palmetto Bay wants them to know the Palmer Trinty issue, Kendall wants them to know about incorporation issues, etc.

I want them to know about county wide environmental and land-use issues. Some have a jump on my issues because they have been on the planning board or have held elected positions.

Anonymous said...

OK, this seat is important and the race is too broad. I say we come up with another big series of questions and ask the candidates to weigh in. They might have to turn down some money to do so. I wonder if they would answer truthfully. If they won't answer, I say - let's throw them out of the pile for consideration. Here are my questions:
1. Inland Port - yes/no
2. Raising local sales tax - yes/no
3. RO plant in south Florida - yes/no
to this, I would also love to hear an essay about capital projects and approaches to shrinking the county budget to deal with the impending budget gap.

Anonymous said...

Is there another forum on the calendar for these candidates?

Anonymous said...

Piedra is the only candidate actually getting out and visiting the residents within District 8! Isn't that how a real representative is supposed to find out what the actual issues are within the District? Wake up people! If the rest of the pack can't even get out to meet the masses, how are they going to represent all of you correctly. They won't! They will only be able to listen to the special interest whispering in their ears.

Taddeo is in cloud 9 if she thinks she will receive the support like she received at her last attempt for public office. Doesn't she realize that the previous race was based on Democrats vs. Republicans???? She won't have the Obama engine this time. Additionally, she will never get her hands dirty and walk the District. Her high heels are too expensive.

Geniusofdespair said...

Taddeo showed up at a very difficult forum ON COUNTYWIDE ISSUES. Piedra didn't even bother to return a call whether on not he was going. He didn't care to even RSVP. That is a big strike against him.


Don't trash Taddeo for looking good and dressing well.

TAXPAYER 1967 said...

If you don't care enough to show up to a public forum/debate and face the people - you do not deserve ANY consideration for ANY PUBLIC OFFICE, not just a County Comission seat.

To Obdulio, start brushing up on your issues and pronto!

So far, its STRIKE ONE for you!

youbetcha' said...

Flinn has been knocking on doors as well.

But he is going to public meetings as well.

I have seen him in numerous places.

Miami Native said...

Albert Harum-Alvarez has been knocking on doors for almost 3 months now.

I am compelled to speak to some of the comments made about what to expect from politicians. I am an elected official and in that way a politician, and my experience is that there are some things people can learn and some things that either exist within a person or not. This is true for politicians as well. A person's honesty, intellectual capacity, work ethic and commitment to good is what it is and cannot be "learned" for the most part; then, depending on the fullness of those abilities, issues can be learned if not completely understood already. A person's strength of character, intelligence and, to a significant extent, experience are paramount to elected office/public service.