Thursday, January 07, 2010

Readers: The Good News...and the Bad. By Geniusofdespair

The bad news is that newspapers aren't doing so well. The once bustling Suffolk Life in New York, now boarded up, stands as a sad example. It folded about a year ago. But take heart, there is good news on the horizon for readers, magazines are dirt cheap! I just got offered two different magazines, Money and Fortune for $10 each a year: that is eighty three cents an issue! If I get 3 years of Fortune at the cover price it would cost $275.46. They are offering me the three years for $20! That is a zillion dollars off...well close. It comes out to thirty three cents an issue, which translates to about 18 minutes at a parking meter.

My advice for good value, forget books and newspapers, instead read magazines but don't get too long of a subscription just to be on the safe side.


Anonymous said...

The prices are unreal-you're right, a bargain why aren't the newspapers following suit?

CATO said...

Why do those in government Fear Deflation they tell us terrible tales that make Freddy Kruger and Michael Myers look like little red riding hood or is that the government fears deflation because it would expose the debt burden the political class has put upon us (the taxpayers) in a Bachanalia of spending that would make Imelda Marcos seem stingy by comparison.