Wednesday, January 06, 2010

County Manager Burgess Clashes with Javier Souto: Again. By Geniusofdespair

We all know County Commissioner Souto can be a buffoon, blathering on and on about nothing often insulting Anglo citizens with his negative references to "The Wine and Cheese Set" and those "East of Biscayne". But I have a question for all of you. Do you find it unseemly for the County Manager to call Souto's allegations "ridiculous, offensive, puzzling and baseless" on the pages of Miami Today? I do, and here is why. WE are not allowed to say anything negative about County Commissioners or the Mayor at County Hall. If we said what the County Manager said about Souto, even though citizens are routinely abused, we would be escorted away. How does the County Manager get to say what he did, he might as well have called Souto a liar too. Is there a double-standard for citizens? Don't we rate as high as staff? If I said to Vile Natacha Seijas: "Your accusations are offensive" (which they are) I would be thrown out.

Frankly I don't thing Souto has it that wrong. Yes, his motives might stink (angry over budget cuts to his cattle show) and his delivery poor, but taking on the issue of lobbyist power with Commissioners and Staff is refreshing and I think he deserves an apology because Souto's accusations about the lobbyist love-fest are not "baseless," Mr. Burgess, and we all know it. And, I agree with Souto that "the administration has lost touch with the people" so don't call that claim "ridiculous."


Anonymous said...

Burgess is so cocky. Isn't Souto one of his bosses?

Geniusofdespair said...

Yes Souto is -- but not technically, although he SHOULD defer to Souto, Burgess works under the Mayor. Only the Mayor can fire him.

Anonymous said...

Souto is interesting. He opten touches on things that need to be said. . .

Anonymous said...

Burgess said it because he is protected. While Sen. Souto often rambles on and is somewhat dismissed by his colleagues, quite often he hits on validity among his dialogue/rant.
Burgess also showed a lack of tact and respect for the voters who ultimately endorsed Souto with their ballot. I wonder how Burgess would fare in that district?

Anonymous said...

The mayor and burgess is not without their lobbyist connections despite what they would like the public to believe.

Anonymous said...

Burgess is the liar who helped Carlos Alvarez rape the taxpayers for $3 Billion to bailout the Marlins.

Anonymous said...

Souto has to go. He is totally asleep on the dias.Time for NEW BLOOD to WAKE UP District 10.
Despierta Westchester!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't see people in terms of black and white. If we are going to be issue-oriented, let's give Souto his due. He has said some powerfully correct things here. You are right, we can't say them. I am glad he is.

Anonymous said...

Let's face it: Souto & most of the "unreformable" commissioners
wouldn't be re-elected if voting were "countywide" I don't know if that would be a + or a minus.
We really need a Charter Change in this corruptible Dade County!


Anonymous said...

Souto will not simply "go". Every County commissioner is in office until death or indictment.

Term limits would be a good start but commissioners refuse to consider them.

David said...

For the most part, Souto comes across as someone who does not have much to say that is of serious interest or deserves serious consideration.

I do become intrigued when he gets into one of those moods where he makes vague reference to illegal fiscal activity that he promises to reveal if anyone "messes" with him on whatever subject de jour he is espousing at the time.

Doesn't a Commissioner have an obligation to bring forward any knowledge of illegal activity he may have and not use it as leverage to drive his agenda?

Anonymous said...

Souto must have a staffer who comes up with good ideas. Too bad Souto cannot follow through...