Friday, December 04, 2009

Should We Be Sending More Troops Into Afghanistan? By Geniusofdespair



sparky said...

Watching an empire (US) reduce itself via wars is really pretty depressing. Not to mention miserable for the people getting ground up.

Anonymous said...

No? That's it?

Gifted said...

Genius, I am going have to (respectfully) disagree with you.

During the Cold War the USSR invaded Afghanistan, around the World this was happening. It was a government land grab. Pakistan partnered with USSR, India with US. We came into "liberate" the people of Afghanistan and we botched the job, big time. Coupled with the land grab with big oil over there it left everyone with a bad taste in their mouth.
We should have never gone into Iraq, I believe that Sadam was a bad person, an evil person. However we needed to finish the fight in Afghanistan, clean everything out and be done with it. We have left a country in turmoil as well as leaving our only real ally; the Brits to clean up the mess. Eventually they got tired of it and it was named "their Vietnam"

I am getting long winded, my point is that we should clean up the mess we started. I hate war, and we are not the World Police. But we started it, so we gotta finish it.

Geniusofdespair said...

Gifted: That is why Bush went into Iraq -- to fix "the mess" his father started. So, you want to fix a mess again?

Ground wars are tricky business.

Gifted said...

I believe that we went into Iraq because Daddy didnt finish offing Sadaam. His was a problem of personality not

But I agree, the current world situation is quite different then 20 years ago. Which requires us to rethink our strategy.

Relic said...

Gifted - you have your alliances backward. Pakistan became a US ally because of the proximity to Afganistan (easy to smuggle stinger missiles through the Khyber pass - ironic huh?).

That's a big reason why our relations with India have been strained for so long. They felt forced to align themselves with the USSR in order to 1) box Pakistan in and 2) box China in by flanking both countries with another adversary. The US pretty well ignored the "largest democracy in the world" in favor of the geographically more significant Pakistan which has nearly always been run as a military junta.

Ah, geopolitics of the cold war. Simpler times.

Cato said...

NO! NO!NO! Hell NO!

Time to bring back the old Country Joe and The Fish tune War Rag

"One two three what are we fightin for shut up I don't give a damn next stop is af gah nistan 5 6 7 open up the pearly gates we ain't got time....."