Friday, December 04, 2009

County Commission: Whittling Away At Good Government. By Geniusofdespair

Who am I kidding with "whittle", the County Commission has hacked the hell out of any vestige of good government long ago, but this is another small cut. Doing away with Board term limits is on the agenda for the Housing & Community Development Committee Dec. 9th. It shows the disdain the Commission has for term limits:

(they want to put in the bold language)
(b) No board member shall serve more than eight (8) consecutive years on any one (1) board. The provisions of this section shall not apply to current board members. Nothing set forth in this subsection above shall prohibit any individual from being reappointed to a County board after a hiatus of two (2) years. >>Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Board of County Commissioners may by a resolution adopted by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of members present waive the restriction that a particular member of a board may not serve more than eight (8) consecutive years on that board.<<

This is sponsored by Commissioners Moss and Edmonson.


Anonymous said...

Genius, if you really want to tie this together, you should find out which members of the Committee were appointed by Moss and Edmonson (although Edmonson hasn't been on the Commission for 8 years yet, it is possible that she just reappointed the same individual that BCS has selected), and find out how long they have served. My guess, they probably have 6-7 years under their belt, and they have asked their appointing Commissioner to find a way to keep them on the Committee, regardless of the current term limits. Very interesting...

Anonymous said...

Disgusting. Boards need new blood. A perfect example is the Board of County Commissioners which needs a 100% makeover now.

These Commissioners voted (9 to 4) to divert over $3 Billion of taxpayer money to a privately owned company that will share zero revenue with the taxpayers. These commissioners make a perfect case for the need for term limits.