Thursday, December 10, 2009

Concerned Citizens to Hold Public Meeting Tonite in South Miami on FPL Nuclear Plans ... by gimleteye


Let's Talk About It! said...

Text for easy cut and paste:

Just a last minute reminder on Thursdy's So Miami Town Hall on FPL Turkey Point New Nukes


High Voltage Power Lines along US 1 for 2 Additional Nuclear Reactors 18 Miles away (to be completed in 10 yrs), and they Want US to Pay $20 Billion for it!

On Powerlines and Nuclear Expansion
is on for
Thursday, 10 Dec, 2009, 7-9 pm,
South Miami City Hall.

6130 Sunset Dr.

Sponsored by CASE | Citizens Allied for Safe Energy

> Powerlines
--- Prof Philip Stoddard, FIU
> Nuclear Reactor Safety Record
--- Prof Philip Stoddard, FIU
> Everglades Restoration, Water Usage Issues, Fisheries Impacts
--- Laura Reynolds, Tropical Audubon
--- Dawn Shirreffs, Clean Water Action
--- Eric Prince, Fisheries Expert
> Economics & Renewable Energy Alternatives
--- George Cavros, Esq., PA
--- Prof Jerry Brown, FIU

Good article
in the Miami Herald describing the Town Hall meeting agenda:

You can download a flyer at

The more CASE learns, the worse it gets
We guarantee that attending this Town Hall will not help you sleep easier, but it will give you much-needed information on what FPL hopes to do to our community and what you can do to protect yourself, your family, and your budget from the plan hatched by FPL's executives.

More information at:

Please tell your friends & neighbors and forward to your elists.

"Don't Let Nuclear Suck the Wind Out of Solar!" :)

Anonymous said...

Where's Dave?