Saturday, December 05, 2009

Attorney Erica Wright running for Spence-Jones seat. By Geniusofdespair

Former City of Miami Attorney, who worked for years with the Virginia Key Beach Park Trust, Erica Wright has announced she is running for the Spence-Jones seat in the City of Miami. Erica gave up her post on the Miami Dade Ethics and Public Trust Commission to run.

I could support Erica, great gal!


Anonymous said...

I don't think she was very good at her job when with the city. She was a detail person that got stuck there in the details and lost the big picture...she was an assistant City Attorney.

Anonymous said...

Let's get real, we are desperate here! I don't know her but that she has academic training and a career, understands our ethical dilemma, and wants to serve is enough for me. Hopefully we will find out more during the campaign. The key is what do the people in Overtown think of her and her ability to address their problems and serve their needs. She has to get on the street and talk to the people there. If she does, maybe she has a chance.

Anonymous said...

The action is in the details. The "chains are moved" at the detail level. One of the problems here is too many "big picture" people who know nothing about getting things done. The result is you have a lot of "big people" who do nothing. This district needs a lot of detailed attention: clean streets, clean neighborhoods, jobs for people, education for people, daycare, paint and landscaping, help for businesses, hope for the future . . . things that require thinking at the detail level.

Anonymous said...

Spence-Jones will win easily. Her voters feel comfortable with people who steal from them. There is precedent. There are generations of poverty pimps in District 5. The poverty pimps get rich while the residents suffer.

Anonymous said...

Spence-Jones is not rich!

Anonymous said...

Erica Wright is unemployed. She also does not live in District 5. We need someone who has a job. Lives in the District and doesn't need to "make deals".

Anonymous said...

In this economy tons of people are unemployed. That is why there is a salary attached to the job.

Anonymous said...

In this economy tons of people are unemployed. That is why there is a salary attached to the job. I don't know what the law says about residency, but most allow you to move in the district.

Anonymous said...

Spence-Jones gets paid $104,000 per year to work two days a month. She gets driven around 24/7by a taxpayer paid vehicle by a taxpayer paid driver. She is in the running for a massive pension that she contributes not a cent. A massive pension paid by the taxpayers. In any District that is rich.

Anonymous said...

As a member of the Commission on Ethics and Public Trust, Erica has asked probing questions and given solid thought to many of the requests for opinion and complaints that are presented. She's bright and sensible and therefore doesn't have a chance!

Anonymous said...

Where does she live?

Anonymous said...

Someone should tell Ms Wright that she must reside in District 5 to be the District 5 commissioner.

Anonymous said...

I am supporting Dr. Robert Malone, Jr. for City Commission District 5. He is a resident as well as a thoughtful and honest individual who is not a carpetbagger. He believes in Leadership With Integrity!
Being a college adminstrator, he is not a poverty pimp with no other agenda, but to improve the qulaity of life in District 5 and keep the City of Miami functioning in a clear and tranparent path, which makes it a desirable place to live and work!

Anonymous said...

While I am a supportor of Dr. Robert Malone, Jr., I must clarify a miss print or a obvious misrepresentation. Erica Wright, Esq., does live in District #5. She resides in Overtown in the condos located at 201 NW 7th Street. She has resided there for the past six plus years. As for the employment issue, she has a solo legal practice. So she has a job and is her own boss. This district needs Dr. Malone, Jr., as the next City Commissiner. The District and the city does not need people trying to keep others down with falsehoods when simple research can find out the correct answers. Vote Janaury 12, 2010 for Dr. Malone, # 112 on the ballot.