Thursday, November 05, 2009

Wing-Nuts In Florida, Exactly How Many Are There? By Geniusofdespair

Passing this truck yesterday afternoon in Broward -- with all these right wing messages plastered all over it -- got me thinking, exactly how many wing-nuts do we have in Florida? It is not as if you can do a poll and ask people. What if the Conservative wing of the Republican Party decides to flood money into the Boobio (Marco Rubio) campaign? Will the wackos all come out to vote for him? Could he win? Polls say he can against Meek. I can live with Crist but never Rubio. said the same conservative groups that supported wacko Doug Hoffman in New York are making noises about backing Rubio. "We're seriously looking at it. We like Marco Rubio a lot. We think that Charlie Crist represents some of the same things that Dede Scozzafava represents", Club for Growth President Chris Chocola said. Commentator Chris Matthews agrees that Crist will be the next target of the far right also read the Miami Herald today: After Tuesday's elections, Florida looms as the next front in a war between moderates and conservatives that's dividing a Republican Party trying to surge toward the 2010 election.

I am seriously thinking of registering as a Republican. Can anyone tell me why that is a bad idea? I think my primary vote will actually have more weight than my actual vote. I don't see that the Democrats need me as they will probably lose the Senate race anyway. Where do you think I can I get the biggest bang from my primary vote?


swampthing said...

Don't you wish every car was plastered with a facsimile of the drivers political persuasion? Is that beyond the bucket of civility?

Back in '08, my Obama-mobile got the attention of many a thumbs, some up, plenty down.

Venture to guess the number you are wanting is a gastronomical multi-digit indicator of just how dumb we've become.

Anonymous said...

I left Miami after a whacko pulled in front of my car forcing me to stop and then proceeded to threaten me with a knife because of my Mondale bumper sticker. Florida has always been full of wingnuts. They just weren't called that in the past.

Geniusofdespair said...

My Question: Should I switch parties...should a whole pile of people switch parties? What is the drawback?

youbetcha' said...

The only issue is the timing of the switch back to vote the other party if you favor the other party's candidate in a runoff... in the case of voting for the lesser evils.

I once ran into a man that ran a group home and he had everyone there registered to vote. This bozo regularly switched 7 or 8 voters between his favored Republican party to Democratic, so they could all vote absentee (of course) for the Democratic candidate least likely to win against his favorite Republican candidate.

miaexile said...

By God, I'm doing it god - - I'm switching to become a registered Republican so I can vote for Charlie Crist..Christ, how do we find ourselves in this situation? Marco Rubio would set Florid back even further than it already is...he's Anita Bryant in latin man-drag.

Geniusofdespair said...

Me and miaexile on the same page...anyone else?

Mensa said...

I agree. We certainly can not have Rubio (a real nut).

sparky said... might be right. But I think I'll wait for a while and see how it's going.

youbetcha' said...

Going into a garage doesn't make me a car, so switching to Republican would not necessarily make me a NRA supporter... I may do it. :)

WOOF said...

The roof, the roof,
The roof is on fire.
We don't need no water
let the motherfkr burn

Anonymous said...

I'm switching parties as well. Not just because of this election, but because in the jerrymandered banana republic districts that I live in, the worthless Dade democratic party doesn't even bother fielding a candidate. At least I'll get to vote for someone.

Geniusofdespair said...

No don't like Crist that much but can't take a chance on boobio.

Jenny said...

Changing parties for the primary won't solve the real problem: There is no worthy democrat running for the senate. Meek is too surrounded by corruption for anyone to believe he's on the straight and narrow. We need a candidate that we can proudly vote for, and its sad none will step forward.

Geniusofdespair said...

What about Maurice Ferre?