Sunday, November 01, 2009

Miami Dade County Police Chief Retires. By Geniusofdespair

One salary gone, a bunch more to go. Don't know much about Robert Parker. Is he doing it for the "Gipper's" budget crunch and because "retirement is inevitable" (what he says) or was he not hot on taking a salary cut? I wish him well, nonetheless.


was there a rush to file resignations via email on the weekend? said...

I believe that can translated into: Mayor A is freezing/eliminating all that is good about the police departments salary format and that the Director is NOT covered by any salary arbitrations that would protect the sick leave, comp time and holiday pay that was accumulated while at the department. So, the Director thought it through and decided that to protect his buns he better get out of there, before he lost the financial dollars that he had been sitting on. Not to mention the fact, if Parker had an urge to defend his troops in the PD he would end up on the streets anyhow, since Mayor A and Chief of Staff would not tolerate anyone NOT thinking their way. Just ask the Parks employees about their director who learned a lesson with their director several years ago.

Anonymous said...

For some long time County employees, that are within a year, or two, of retirement, getting out before the 5% makes financial sense. It would affect not only their last year's salary, but the rate at which they cash out hundreds of hours of annual and sick leave, thus affecting their 5 year average, which establishes their pension payments.

the 5% cut could have a negative cascading effect on those people.

I'm surprised more resignations haven't taken place over the weekend, prior to Monday, when the new pay scale goes into place.


Anonymous said...

5%. The Chief left because of a proposed 5% reduction to his pay and because that 5% would affect many of his other perks including his fat pension.

What ever happened to "public service"? Now government workers just want the taxpayers to make them rich.

Anonymous said...

Pipe down last anon.

The Director put in 33 years in one of the most physically and emotionally demanding jobs there is. He was patrolling the streets of this County when dealers were shooting up Dadeland mall and Suniland Mall, and bodies were stacking up in the streets.

No one should begrudge him doing what makes sense for his family.


Thank you Director Parker. I hope you enjoy a long and relaxing retirement.

Geniusofdespair said...

I agree with M -- and I add:

Parker - send us some blog info! We will print what you write. We hope retiring government workers will finally provide the skinny to the public so we can improve this town.

Anonymous said...

Public service. It was supposed to mean an opportunity to forgo economic gain to help the public. Now it means taking $275,000 per year pay and getting $200,000 per year pensions. All from the sweat of hard working $40,000 per year taxpayers.

By the way, does Parker live in Broward County like so many policemen and EMT workers?

Anonymous said...

Dont expect any skinny from Parker he may be ready to retire but not to burn his bridges, he'll be back lobying or at some other job.

Anonymous said...

Parker isn't going to burn bridges... he has wife and family still working at MDPD... you all forget the Friends and Family article already?

He has a daughter trucking fast up the ranks. He will be nice.

Anonymous said...

So Robert Parker and his family are taking the taxpayers for $700,000 per year? Or was it $800,000?
