Jim Morin's cartoon in the Miami Herald today had me on the floor laughing. He certainly did capture the Commissioner we all love to hate, Natacha Seijas, on her previously reported county jet-setting on our taxpayer dime. Hot air balloon, works for me!
Sigh. Funny, but not really.
He was too kind with her looks.
Great job with proportion and scale though.
I agree. He was too kind. It could have been a big blimp like the Hidenberg carrying taxpayers and floating into FPL overhead power transmission towers.
Anybody catch the editorial today on the ITC.
Herald finally doing some good reporting. Hope they keep digging.
If some foreigner met Vile Natacha on some travel junket wouldn't they absolutely refuse to ever visit Miami?
Isn't it possible Atlanta supports Vile Natacha's trips as the greatest boon to Atlanta's quest to land more foreign trade?
Michael Putney hammered the idiots and pigs at the County who take the taxpayers money for these free vacations.
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