I always believed washing clothes was a waste of time. I think you should toss the garments when they are dirty. Now with spouse laid up for the past 3 days, I believe we should toss dishes too. I can't think of a bigger waste of time than loading and unloading a dishwasher...except doing laundry. With the dishes there is the added angst of knowing you have to be able to find everything again. As I was putting away the silverware I was thinking fondly of plastic utensils. Yes, I know this sounds very unenvironmental but my idea of conservation is that YOU should all do it...just not me. Anyway, the dishes are done and I am exhausted from walking all the items from the dishwasher to their places in the kitchen. Housework is overwhelming and worse, it never ends, I have to start all over again tomorrow. Bummer.
Try housework and taking care of twins, one disabled, one gifted.
Life becomes a very narrow focus.
You must have noticed...I am a slacker.
Okay, just lost a lot of respect for you. Your poor spouse.
Yeah, that's the difference between housework and working on a computer. When you do housework and are a slacker, everybody can tell. When you work on a computer, you can look like you've really had your nose to the grindstone when really you've just been playing 4692 games of Freecell.
Finaly, some good humor coming out of this blog. Keep it coming, Funny stuf.
I must ad, Jill's comment was very good too.
Happy Thanksgiving evryone.
Thanks No. 5 - at least ONE person gets my stab at humor...certainly not No. 3 above.
Jill - do you know where everything is in your kitchen?
Yes, as a matter of fact, I do.
Unless my husband puts something away, and then it's anyone's guess?
M is responsible for 90% of the "house" work in M's household. Mrs. M is putting in 70 hour weeks.
So M can you find everything in your kitchen?
Jill....link? This is just an isolated blog. Do we need links ??
Delete it if you want to, or I will...
It's my cooking blog.
oh, well in that case, maybe I can learn to cook.
But, then you'd have be able to find everything in your kitchen and wash all of those dishes :)
Damn. Never thought of that.
It always amuses me how spoiled men are. Even today.
just whistle(blower) while you (house)work
We have a deal in this house, when I cook, he cleans up...when he cooks, he cleans up.
He always cleans the dishes, takes out the garbage and puts away the leftovers...BUT, he will never wipe down the counters AND absolutely ignores the George Foreman Grill, even if he is the only one using it.
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