Friday, November 06, 2009

Global warming solutions: the only thing missing is political will ... by gimleteye

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Al Gore
Daily Show
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John Stewart, of The Daily Show, interviews Al Gore on global warming. Stewart is thoughtful and funny, about the dilemma of Americans believing the science, but waiting for elected officials to "do something". He says, 4:10: "Just give us one (choice). It is getting very confusing." Gore explains that there is enough technology available today to have a significant effect to reduce global warming impacts. But Stewart stays on point, "You are fighting not just the industrial revolution. We are hard-wired to burning things. You have make it easy for us. We're tired. It's very frustrating for me to keep hearing about this and not see progress."

Along those lines, it was hopeful to see that yesterday the Senate Environment and Public Works passed a climate change bill out of committee, even if it was only supported only by Democrats. For the doubters, next time we have a moon high tide or neap tide, take a look at the flooding downtown by some of the new condos on the bay or Matheson Hammock or Miami Beach. What's next? Signs: "Don't park here at high tide". And what's after that? "Don't live here at high tide." And after that? "Don't live here at any tide." Andrew C. Revkin, of The New York Times, writes a great blog on the environment and well worth checking out when you have time.


swampthing said...

Gotta laugh to keep from dying.

The tide is high and i'm holding on, Al should have been our #1... nine years ago.

Anonymous said...

Al is a liar. He talks about protecting the environment, but he flies everywhere in his private plane. He also loves meat -it shows, doesn't it- he's rounding up on all sides!

His net worth has tremendously increased with his sale of books and speeches about the environment. He's nothing but a hypocrite like Pelosi, Reed, et al.

Fed up with children pretending to be grown-ups said...

Last anon must be Joe Martinez. He accused the people speaking against moving the line of being hypocrites because we live in houses and drive cars.

Demonize the messenger all you want, but stupid and childish statements don't change the FACTS.

Anonymous said...

New condos are flooding..duh. We live at sea level. The Northern hemisphere has been in a warming trend for about 30 years..before that it was a cooling trend, before that it was a warming trend and before that WE HAVE NO DATA. Wake up! It's become all about the money and the businesses who will profit from this foolishness.
Stop the insanity of building on the shoreline and then blaming the hurricane damage on "Global Warming"
Many of us are old and have been there and done us you just look naive.