Removed from her seat by the Governor (after she was charged with grand theft) didn't deter Michelle Spence Jones, she is running again for City of Miami Commissioner. If you live in the district, I implore you, please don't put her back in. Why didn't they appoint Flowers rather than have an election? Rundle's office bungled this one big time. Spence Jones should have been arrested before the election, not after, that would have both saved the city money and prevented this latest development.
Check out the
video of her unfortunate announcement on the Miami Herald website.
Someone please step up and prevent this travesty from happening. Why go through all of this again. Please spare us all.
Where is Mayor Tomas on all this?
Well, this is a major card in this game. She may have walked into a trap. If she is innocent, does that mean that Barbara Carey lied after being granted immunity from prosecution? Or, did someone else break into Carey's office steal stationary and her signature stamp, wrote the letter and stamped it, returned the stamp, and gave the letter to Spence-Jones without Carey's knowledge? It is going to be an interesting case played out in the courtroom.
Bad timing all around - were Rundle and Manny Diaz close? Did Manny ask Rundle to hold off on indictments until after he was gone? It is just too strange to have 2 city commissioners charged immediately after an election.
I don't understand a law that says, the governor can suspend you ( or must? ) but by god we'll go drop another bundle on a special election for which you, the indicted one, can run in. What? Sounds like someone needs to change something.
What a whacko... this is a page out of Hialeah's political history book.
Its very sad that she is doing this to her district. She has nothing to gain by running. Simple, if you get exonerated by the courts, you get your seat back. If you get convicted, you go quietly into the night. Now, when she wins, which she will as the race card plays very well, she would have to be again removed from office and making her district look like a circus.
Very selfish of Michelle, she is about her, and nothing else. The fng ego on this woman...so dad. Miami is taking huge steps backwards...
What does reelecting public officials who are accused of stealing public funds mean about the community at large? That they condone that behavior? That they would do the same if they could? I think we should be asking these broader questions. It's very depressing to think that could be the attitude in this community.
This has nothing to do with Regalado and everything to do with the stupidity of people and voters. That is it.
Stop blaming Manny. Where IS Regalado on all this?? Too busy painting his office and getting the Governor to clean up his mess.
And if "people and voters" are stupid it's in electing Regalado.
Re-electing Michelle IF she is proven guilty is a different issue than re-electing someone is still awaiting trial. That is why they should have appointed a temporary caretaker for the position, so that if Michelle turned out to be innocent, then the caretaker would step aside. If Michelle is found guilty, oh well, she isn't running for any office, particularly the one she abused. Then the election should be held. We are trying people these days in the media and through gossip. Let's start using the court system, it has worked fairly well for a few years.
Public service is a honor in spite of the mean nasty constituents who yell and are unreasonable at times. So, if she is a felon, she doesn't run and she doesn't get the honor and trust from the people.
It sucks for Regalado because he is the "fall" guy. He cant even get the Commission in order because Rundell screwed up.
Now lets look at the measurable costs: $50,000 = amount taken from poor people; A = amount for investigation; $200,000 = amount for special election; B = cost of getting ready for court; $200,000 for another special election; C = financial impact on tourism and commerce. Total measurable costs $450,000+A+B+C.
Now lets look at some of the unmeasurable costs: seat on Commission; credibility of politicians and political careers of politicians; image of Miami-Dade County in country and world; lack of confidence in local government; impact on psychological state of community; adds to a state of continual confusion and lack of hope in poor areas and there are many other unmeasurables.
It would have been better to let the poor people have the $50,000 to improve street facades and make their community better!
This is a political chess game and the players (Regalado and Sarnoff) didn't know how to play chess.
It's back to the "good 'ole days"..we have a Carollo, a Suarez, and the biggest jerk of all a Regalado, scrambling around like headless chickens...its more like the chicken republic, instead of the banana republic.
Whatever happened to Regalado wanting to save taxpayer's money? Now he is going to have a special election for both seats which will cost $400,000 to the city, to probably see Spence-Jones get ejected from her seat again. You see Regalado, what goes around, comes around. In a couple of years everyone will see what a great mayor Manny Diaz was, and what a huge mistake it was to place that corruptor Regalado in power
I am just gonna run this by you guys once since someone mentioned corrupt. I hope everyone reads with an open mind.
How much does a vote cost? With an appointment you have an active lobbying of candidates names that are thrown around. You also have the two newest Commissioners in there choosing them. Francis will only be a Commissioner for an hour.
Starting to smell like a backroom deal huh?
With the appointment you have to run at the next municipal or county election. You also have to pay mind you...about 100,000. This will also be a month or two before the budget cycle for the City of Miami. The next one is in August.
On the other hand you have the most democratic process of voting. Regalado would be a hypocrite if he did not want this to happen. I give credit where credit is due. And the best thing for him is to appoint. He could get two instant ally's in the Commission. I believe we should not throw the baby with the bathwater and at times like this the votes of the people are what counts. I hope he follows through and gets the election for District 1 as well.
I as a voter, believe that it is our democratic right to vote. That is why my parents left their Country and that why my kids will be in this Country.
man you guys speak the truth... i love it.... but yeah this spencer woman needs to be sitting in jail cell like every other criminal that gets arrested for the same charge shes facing...not be running for office again spending the taxpayers money... $200,000..... just shows you puppets that voted for her how much she really cares about your money.
Michelle Spence-Jones is running because the idiots in her District will gladly elect a felon and she desperately wants the $104,000 paycheck and free limo service that comes with the job. (Spence-Jones makes a $130,000 per year policeman/driver pick up her kid at school.) Oh, and she loves only having to show up 3-4 days a month. Then, she also is desperate to get the pension which requires her to stay in office for 7 years.
Manny Diaz hired her. She stole money while working for Manny Diaz and then he made sure she got elected. Twice.
Is Manny running her campaign, now?
Manny is not running her campaign. I think it is Harry Gottlieb!
Manny Diaz made his backers fund her first campaign and her most recent campaign is funded by the usual out-of-town lobbyists and contractors and suspects who want her vote as they sleaze their way to lucrative City contracts.
can she get the wart taken off her face?
Double BARF!!!
Gov Crist stated that when Spence-Jones get elected again that it is likely he will remove her again. What a waste of $200,000.
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