Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Believe it or Not! Joe Martinez Takes a Giant Step Backwards. By Geniusofdespair

I started a new classification for this blog because it was so off the wall: Believe it or not!

Using Vile Natacha Seijas' playbook, County Commissioner Joe Martinez takes a giant leap back in time renouncing email for his office as of October 28th. He says he will only accept faxes (does anyone still have a fax machine?). What a dud this guy is! And, people are advising us to open a dialogue with County Commissioners. Do you think making it harder for people to contact you is moving in the right direction? I wonder if he will retain selective email for voters in his district? The email address is indeed gone from his webpage. I think this move is arrogant on his part. It is the equivalent of disconnecting your telephone line in the 60's, requiring people to write you letters instead. Here is a tip Joe: Keep the email, just don't read any of it, you never did anyway.

In a stunning up-to-the-minute reversal: I was told by a Martinez aide, he might get email again. Now his office is blaming the whole thing on "technical difficulties." You will note "technical difficulties" was NOT mentioned in the memo he circulated. Cop out!


Anonymous said...

As you said, it's not like Martinez reads his emails. Pardon the cursing, but what an ASS he is. He wants to forgot about the public input from his constituents. He only answers to his political contributors or his "benefactors" who can help build him a free house on very low cost land - to him. If this is his first step in getting support from voters outside his district for MD Mayor or incorporating his own kingdom outside the UDB, this is a HUGE mistake.

Anonymous said...

Did you ever believe any of the 13 commissioners give a $#*& about what their constituents think. They're are kings and queens and we their servants. If they want isolation, why don't we ship them all to Alaska?

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't he at least want to retain the ILLUSION that he is listening?

VP said...

This isn't about not listening to people -- this is about avoiding any kind of electronic paper trail that might prove inconvenient in the future. Also - it's about making the administration jump through hoops to get him the information he needs (and indeed demands) in order to make decisions on issues. And it makes it easier to deny ever seeing some information - if he doesn't want to admit seeing it. Administration: "We sent the report to commissioners' offices on October 27th"
Martinez: "I never got the fax".
How does the administration prove he did? Send everything by FedEx and demand a signature?

Anonymous said...

No one can avoid using email, especially a county commissioner and his staff. They will still use email. The public just needs to know what it is. Just do a public records request in a few months for any and all communication on a given subject and you'll see.

Anonymous said...

What about his blackberry? Will he still get messages on his phone from special interest people he wants to hear from? What's his PIN?

Anonymous said...

Natacha Seijas has no email in her office.

Anonymous said...

All faxes so they can deny a public records request.

Milly Herrera, Hialeah said...

One word came to mind when reading this about an elected official refusing e-mail access in today's world - moron - or did we just regress 15 years in history and I'm just not aware of it?

Anonymous said...

Avoiding an electronic paper trail is a smart thing.