Friday, September 04, 2009

City of Miami: A Private Investigator Exposes an Overpaid Executive. By Geniusofespair

Check out Miami New Times, this is a real eye-opener. New Times prints a diary of the daily schedule of City Executive, Christine Morale -- who appeared to be working 4 to 6 grueling hours every day to earn her $112,000. Oh, and she was also involved with delivering money to disgraced former County Commissioner Miriam Alonso years ago.

Union Boss Charlie Fox had her followed after she got two union workers fired for tardiness. Cox said:

"You fuck with my people and I'm going to fuck with you." This is sordid tale, too bad it is true, and, of course, Morales leaves with a hefty package and her pension.

Also see NBC Story...


Cato said...

The Unions have their own "splaining" to do, and Mr. Cox is just as culpable for this mess as Ms. Morales and all the other make work jobbers in government.

Geniusofdespair said...

But I like his quote so much...

Anonymous said...

good job on the union's. This is what people are talking about with the executives.

Anonymous said...

Everybody knows civil servants aren't worth a hill of beans. Follow them and you will confirm this. Stand outside a fire station, police station or public works building. Nothing going on.

Anonymous said...

Having worked in both private and public institutions, I usually had to sign in and out or punch a time card. No oversight, no official record of hours make it very easy to work few hours at high pay.

Cato said...

Yes I like the Qoute too Genius, like something out of a gangsta movie. Union Boss or Gnagsta what's the diff?
Anon Go to the Donut shop thats where the action is.

Anonymous said...

NBC loved the story so much we did it the next day. Love the quote as well, guess Charlie gives it to everyone?

Geniusofdespair said...

Thanks Jessica I put the link in the blog....

Gimleteye said...

Awesome story, Frank. Good work New Times!

Anonymous said...

I love it; the administrators and the union are pointing fingers at each other. They both suck at the taxpayers' teet and were getting a little tired of the abuse.

Anonymous said...

Lesson learned:

Don't fuck with the union.

Anonymous said...

How many other overpaid City of Miami so-called executives are stealing from the taxpayers? How many others are only "working" 4-5 hours per day?

How many firemen are just hanging out while they are being paid $700 to $1,500 per day? How many firemen are practicing their cooking or lifting weights while the taxpayers work three jobs to pay taxes?

There is a reason the City of Miami is facing bankruptcy.

Anonymous said...

Can we get somebody to sit outside of John Riveras office? Last I checked, he's being paid over 100K to sit in a lavish office in Doral to make ficticious claims of doom and gloom if his officers dont get much needed raises. I would like to see how busy his days actually are.