Saturday, August 01, 2009

Now this is cute! By Geniusofdespair

I am so tired of looking at pictures of kids and having to say they are cute. This is what a cute kid looks like.

This kid, waiting to go back in a pool, has attitude. Love the body language. Love the photo taken by Carles Trainor Jr. for the Miami Herald. If there is a race, you just know this is the kid to beat.


Anonymous said...

This kid is a porker. Notice the rolls of fat around his stomach. His parents should be accused of child abuse.

Proper eating and the need for exercise should be taught in school. The kid in the photo is headed to an early grave.

Geniusofdespair said...

Stand by: HE IS CUTE. His parents have him swimming. My nephew looked just like this when he was that age...

Anonymous said...

He looks a Mike Tyson in training...focussed!

Anonymous said...

I agree! Cute.

Anonymous said...

Very, very cute!! Love his attitude of self confidence.

Anonymous said...

The kid is so fat and out of shape he cannot even sit straight.

Anonymous said...

Very cute kid.