Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Notes from the Road: Tifton in Tift County Georgia by Geniusofdespair

Wow. What a place to land in on Sunday. We went for Mexican (don’t ask, I voted for barbecue) and I ordered a beer only to be told they don’t serve alcoholic beverages. What? Where am I? Apparently I am in a dry county in Georgia called Tift. You can’t by liquor at all and beer and wine not on Sunday, nor is it served on Sunday in Restaurants. This seemed intriguing. What kind of people would agree to this? Apparently people living in a county with a whopping 70 Baptist churches in it would. And, there are 96 other churches in this locale including an Islamic Center and my favorite: the Philadelphia Church of God In Christ. The population of Tift County is about 45,000 so that would mean with 166 churches there are not that many people for each church. Best thing in town? Adcock Pecan’s (easy to find, the warehouse is across the street from the Colonic Store). I never saw so many pecans in one place. Other than the pecans, skip Tifton unless you want a colonic.


Ned said...

Hopefully, you bought a pecan. They really come in handy when you are far away from a rest area or if you don't feel like stopping.

mike k said...

Not been to Tift Georgia - but in Mariana Florida - 70 west of Tallahassee - no liquor served in restaurants - you can go to a liquor store [very few and odd hours]. No liquor sold on Sunday.

Georgia is not so different than parts of Florida - that would be north Florida of course.

Anonymous said...

Don't discount it yet - I was just there on my way to Tennessee a few weeks ago - and got the BEST peaches. A good peach, for me, is the holy grail! Hallelujah!

Peanut said...

ohoh. I have cousins in Tifton... I grew up running through the tobacco peanuts and corn fields there. It was nice... but if you leave tifton and go towards Sylvester where my nephew lives, they have a speed trap.

And they love to stop Florida cars and look for drugs....

Anonymous said...

LOL, Philadelphia COGIC in Tifton, go figure.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Ned's comment, I would recommend a jar or jug instead of a can because of the possibility of rust and sharp edges.

geniusofdespair said...

I just got the pecan joke. Boy am I dense.

Anonymous said...

That is what Regalado needs, a colonic. he looks constipated.

Jill said...

Suwannee County is the same way.
You can't even buy wine over a certain alcohol level on a week day - if you want a bottle of champagne to toast the New Year, you have to go to Alachua to buy it.
If you spend any time there and want a cool one on Sunday, you just have to plan ahead. Gives all of those little gas station convenience stores a good spike in beer sales on Saturday though.