Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Marriott Sucks: They have censored this blog. By Geniusofdespair

I tried to access this blog - Eye on Miami - on the Marriott courtesy computer and was denied entry. I got a window saying this was an objectional site.

Fix your filter Marriott Hotels, it sucks.


Michael Calderin said...

Is it all Blogger sites? Or perhaps there's some language they find objectionable?

Anonymous said...

What did you do to piss off the Mormons?

South Florida Lawyers said...

You mean the guys making all that money from in-room porn?

Anonymous said...

Do a websearch of Fred Malek, riddle solved.

geniusofdespair said...

Hey, now i can get on at this Marriott in Knoxville. Maybe Buckhead, Ga.'s Marriott has bad taste in blogs.

Mr. Freer said...

Maybe because the word "vile" is used so often? :)

youbetcha' said...


Cato said...

I think it's the multiple pics of Natasha.....I myself find her quite objectional.

Geniusofdespair said...

I am now outside of Dayton Ohio at a Marriott --yes a glutton for punishment -- they are saying here that we are banned because of the phrase WH--E NATIONALISM (hint a color that is colorless).

Anonymous said...

I took out the word and guess what, the page now loads. G.o.D.