Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Jim Morin on the UDB. By Geniusofdespair

This is why we need Amendment 4. On the one hand Crist as good cop stops the Lowe's store. On the other hand, as bad cop, he signed into law the toxic 360 senate bill.


Anonymous said...

Forget development alone, lets have a say on everything. Vote yes or no for every budget item, capital project, employee position.. Lets throw out our representative form of democracy!!! Makes so much sense...

Anonymous said...

Can EOM name one development project that has been ushered in by SB 360? No? Didn't think so. Typical scare tactics, EOM is sound and fury signifying nothing.

Anonymous said...

Key Biscayan got it right. Last year there was a public outcry that the elected city leaders had gone too far in authorizing the demolition of the Sonnesta Beach Hotel, which was a major economic engine and then rezone the property for a condo hotel and villas.The financial and quality of life damage has been insurmountable. Citizens vowed that would never happen again. So they signed petitions and agreed to hold an election to consider a referendum to limit the powers or their own government. The election took place, the residence voted and the referendum passed. Elected leaders can now only make decision up to $X amount before the voice of the voters must be heard in the election booth. If that were the case in Miami and Miami-Dade County, I suspect we would all be in much better shape then we are now. I suggest that we try it!
Harry Emilio Gottlieb

Geniusofdespair said...

To 2 above, SB 360 is NEW and development is stagnant because of the economy. Give it a chance to works its ugly magic. This isn't instant this in long term impact...get real.

Anonymous said...

what I don't understand about hometown democracy is why we would want to put all comp plan changes before the voters - the same voters that vote in the elected officials they purport not to trust. We need a solution, hometown democracy is not it.

Anonymous said...

When it comes to their quality of life people are more concerned. They don't follow their elected officials behavior, they just assume they are doing a good job. They don't have a clue of how they are led around by the nose by developers' lobbyists. Right now, the lobbyists are calling all the shots. I would rather trust the voters than the sleazy lobbyists.

Geniusofdespair said...

One Rule on this blog: Don't insult the blogger.