Friday, July 24, 2009

Marlin's Stadium: Let's Relive a Painful Memory. By Geniusofdespair

Someone put some strange captions on this video. This is good to look at again...especially to see the demeanor of Sanchez and Regalado during a very important vote. What do you think?

And speaking of painful memories:


Anonymous said...

They need to show this at Jungle Island. Animals gone bad.

youbetcha' said...

I think that this producer was great :)

I think that Alvarez needs to get off the jobs thing. That is the only justification he has ever had for his stadium. The excuse is lame.

I think Samson is both short and whiny; makes one want to slap him like a mosquito.

It would be great if the City Manager didn't look like he still worked for the County Manager.

It probably would be better if Burgess didn't act (err...look ) like a lobbyist for the Marlins.

I think Sanchez looked blank brained. What was that about?

Regalado looked saner than most up there. However, he almost has Soto potential.

What was that giant piece of dandruff in Sarnoff's hair?

Anonymous said...

Regalado gets my vote.

Anonymous said...

Whoever did the edit job, congrats. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Regalado sounds/acts eerily similar to Souto.

Anonymous said...

They both rant and rave and most of the time make no sense...

Anonymous said...

This vote for Mayor will be easy for me...Call me whatever you'd like, but I'm voting for the person I actually understand. I didn't understand a single word Regalado said. We need elected officials that do more for our city instead of talking about Cuba all day!

Anonymous said...

Joe Sanchez demanded the taxpayers give over $2.5 bil in interest costs for the bailout of the Marlins. That means there will be $2.5 bil less in Miami-Dade County for local residents and local companies. Interest goes to the owners of the bonds, not local stakeholders.

Anonymous said...

"We need elected officials that do more for our city instead of talking about Cuba all day!"

I find it unfair that you make fun of his accent even though he voted against this deal. A deal that will cost you and me a lot of money over the next 50 years.

Anonymous said...

Regalado has pandered to the Cuban exile community all his life, that will not change. As far as the stadium, he says he has voted for it and that he has voted against it. It all depends who the audience is. It is similar to what Kerry would do-flip flop. The stadium is being built with tourist tax dollars, not our money. Stop the misinformation campaign. What will cost the taxpayers money is the exhorbitantly high pension and salaries earned by the unions, who support Regalado. Guess where his allegiance lies.

Anonymous said...

You are half-right, more misinformed though.
The stadium will be payed with tourist tax until it RUNS out. The current rate was established a few years ago (economy= good) and was expected to stay constant or improve for the next 40 years.
Also its in the BILLIONS of dollars. Regalado voted no on the deal not the stadium. Dont forget the city also has to pay for the 100 million dollar garage that the money goes to the Marlins, that the supposed "restaraunts" cannot sell alcohol 3 hours before and after a game, that any advertising that is on the garage or in it; half of it goes to the Marlins.
Did I mention that we gave the city land away for free? For free!
Oh and heres a nice way we couldve paid the pension, bring in city cops and firefighters into the stadium and as first responders, that way the Marlins pay them.
Nope...lets have the County do that.

Anonymous said...

You are more than half wrong.

Tourist Tax dollars are "our" dollars. Tourist taxes are supposed to be used to promote and maintain South Florida's biggest industry - Tourism. Even the Marlins admitted that tourists do not attend baseball games, except the occasional All-Star game. That means tax dollars that should have gone to pay for advertising or to fix up our convention centers will instead be used to pay the bondowners who bought our bonds.

Commissioners had to be stupid or corrupt to vote to spend over $3 bil of our tax dollars on the bailout of a privately owned non-US company.