Thursday, July 23, 2009

Judge Magnuson Smart on Growth. by Geniusofdespair

Judge Paul A. Magnuson, a Reagan appointee, is very wise when it comes to smart growth. In his decision finding for Florida, on the water wars going on for 20 years between Florida, Alabama and Georgia (sprawl water needs in Atlanta burbs being the culprit) he said:
"Too often, state, local and even national government actors do not consider the long-term consequences of their decisions. Local governments allow unchecked growth because it creates tax revenues, but these same governments do not sufficiently plan for the resources such unchecked growth will require."


Jill said...

A good example of one man keeping his head while all thouse about him are losing theirs.

Anonymous said...

The Judge is a wise man. Development never pays for itself and those governments (read Miami-Dade) that depend on development will at some point find themselves in a big financial hole. A responsible government does not depend on new growth to pay for yesterday's growth. Why is this such a hard concept for commissioners to grasp?

youbetcha' said...

I have been made so weary and ill by this crud... I want to barf... it has gotten worse every election cycle.. there doesn't seem to be any people for the people anymore.

Hope the Judge realizes he is special.

Anonymous said...

Our turn is coming.