Saturday, July 18, 2009

Everyone appears a little berserk this week. By Geniusofdespair

I can't put my finger on it, but everyone I have come in contact with this week is either unwound or over-wound. Is it the dog days of summer ("when dogs grew mad...")? People writing comments and emails to the blog...they are different, more passionate (except "Not A Moderate" who remains annoying). My home email is chock full of odd stuff.

For me this week, maybe it was watching Ron Book on that video (posted Thursday) that put me in this mood. I want to hate the sex offenders living under the bridge, but somehow Book's demeanor made me empathize with the sex offenders' plight. I was thinking about them when I glanced at the Miami Herald this morning and saw the word sodomizer instead of Sotomayor. Now that was a linguistic leap in my mind!

Maybe the release of the proposed budget wound me up. The crap that was in the Mayor's memo (Wednesday post) angered me: Saying we can make choices in what kind of government we want to have. Hell, we are trapped in our local government. We have no choices. That thought made me feel powerless.

One thing is okay with this funk, at least I am not alone. Some of you are pretty weird too.


Anonymous said...

What made me feel powerless was Goldman Sachs giving away record bonuses/ billions to key executives because the federal govt didn't have the guts to tell the company it would have to take a haircut like everyone else on redeeming its debt from AIG. We funded $12 billion of Goldman Sach's record profit. Then there is Citigroup declaring a $3 billion quarterly profit, also funded with taxpayer dollars. Then there is the news of the outrageous salary inflation in local govt. It all adds up to the best case for civil unrest since the 1960s imho..

Anonymous said...

I think what is happening is that people are getting hit in their pocketbook so the edginess you describe is the economy finally hitting home. I got a few rebellion emails this week. Something is happening. My insurance went up and now I fear that I will be hit with higher taxes.

P.S. Bad memory: Pink Flamingo.

Vaguely uneasy said...

Weird is the word. You hit it.

Anonymous said...

You would take the joy out of eating eggs. I put eggs, John Waters and Divine into a google search and got some very strange stuff to put it mildly, including:

Geniusofdespair said...

I saw that movie 20 years ago, and an egg has never been the same since. I have a long memory. Sorry, my despair spills over for your delight sometimes.

Anonymous said...

I believe the inequities of the salaries, whether nationally (corporate greed and bonuses) or the ones that were uncovered at Miami City Hall has made everyone say Enough is Enough.

Magister said...

Just about anything having to do with Ron Book is enough to put me in a funk.
How did our State Government ever let one man get so much influence and power over what gets done and what does not is beyond me.
Ron Book has publicly stated that he has read all the research on sex offenders but does not believe it. Sure, you, Mr. Book, know much more than dedicated, professionals and researchers. Why is this man who has a stated huge bias and agenda allowed to even be heard? What in the world would make him an EXPERT? He is a man filled with hatred and revenge that cannot stand the fact that someone DARED to hurt a member of RON BOOK'S family. The entire Legislature and County Commissions in his area bow and scrape to this man. PLUZE!!!!!

out of sight said...

The last Homeless Trust Board meeting was a group intervention on Mr. Book.

They called him on his issues. Let's see if he "gets it" in the future. Maybe he is rich enough to become a political liability, maybe not. Look for a bill in the next state legislative session that starts making the bridge go away.

yuk said...

why do I think I don't want to look at the link about the pink flamingos?

youbetcha' said...

I glanced at the Miami Herald this morning and saw the word sodomizer instead of Sotomayor. Now that's a linguistic leap!

HA! That is the result of outsourcing of newspaper editors... yah know, things get lost in the translation.

One would think I was the person proofing. :)

Geniusofdespair said...

it was my mind that did the switch...

youbetcha' said...

oops... G.o.D. .... your internal Websters was slightly askew.

Magister said...

The "bridge" and all the other camps of homeless offenders have to "go away". It is insane to believe that a homeless, angry, helpless, jobless, person treated worse than an animal would be less dangerous to the counties children than one with a loving home, family, support, a job, and feels a link to the community.
Ron Book CREATED this mess with his lobbying for huge residency restrictions, then of course each neighboring city or county had to have it too so that all the sex offenders would not move there and it took off like an avalanche, leaving behind only destruction.
I do pray that someone somehow gets through to him that HE is NOT the only one with answers to problems and that the world does not revolve around him. I don't think most of the politicians have the nerve to go against him.

swampthing said...

people ought to embrace the urban chicken trend and not just for stress relief. Helen gives us a fresh egg daily and they are divine.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the mention. Your barbs sustain me. wink...wink..
