Wednesday, June 03, 2009

TV Commentator Michael Putney on County Commissioner Discrectionary Funds. By Geniusofdespair

I hate to toot my own horn but I have been complaining about these funds since Nov. 18, 2006 and in multiple posts thereafter! Putney wrote about it today in an op ed (Get rid of officials' slush funds) almost 3 years later. And, I did call the Inspector General's office Michael Putney. They said they NEVER did an audit on any of these Discretionary Fund recipients. And, you miss one point: Why can't we give to most of the charities ourselves? Why do we need Commissioners to give OUR MONEY and get all the accolades? I am glad to see that Gimenez has softened his position and that Sorenson is open to change. According to Putney:

Katy Sorenson, who says she'd be willing to forgo the current discretionary spending arrangement in favor of a regular budget process in which the commission collectively allocated the money.

Gimenez says that he would consider it, too. They're on the right track.

Putney says:

Altogether, Miami-Dade commissioners give away almost $9.5 million annually, according to Miami Herald reporters Matt Haggman and Jack Dolan. The money comes from a variety of sources -- the majority from federal Community Development Block Grants -- but in the end it all comes from taxpayers. Most winds up in the pockets of small business people who need a little financial boost or with nonprofit, charitable and community-based organizations that provide generally worthwhile programs and services.

But some unknown part of the money winds up in the hands of people whose principal qualification is simply knowing their county commissioner. Or perhaps it's the commissioner who wants to get to know his constituents and throws a little party for them, courtesy of his District Discretionary Fund. For example, ''Pepe's Summer Blast,'' thrown by Commissioner Jose ''Pepe'' Diaz at the bargain price of $10,850.


Anonymous said...

I found this interesting on the same day that we were warned of tax hikes. Let's look at the budget first, people.

Loved Morin's cartoon today.

The other M

Anonymous said...

As for Sorenson's position, it's very easy to be open to change when you know the other side has at least 10 votes. She is for higher taxes always.

Anonymous said...

Putney is pointing at the cockroaches that he can see. The real problem is the nest where the roaches are breeding.

The county budget is fat and bloated because of salaries and benefits, which far outpace other governments and even the private sector.

Despite its odiousness, Putney does us all a terrible disservice by focusing on this piddling fund.

ouchie said...

Putney is no fan of Alvarez. But, you are correct in thinking that this is wrong fund to worry about. Alvarez is the 14th commissioner, he has the same slush fund money as the commission, and no one whines about that.

They should ask employees where to make the cuts... not directors and not county executive staff.

But when you realize that the county has spent millions that is basically going down the toilet because of their mismanagement, you have to wonder why aren't the taxpayers asking why we are paying money on a vacant building at a metro-rail station.

Why is the 14th floor of the Government Center newly renovated and empty? They couldn't cancel or return boxed furniture? There is a great explanation for that the furniture, I am sure. You and I would cancel and eat the restocking charge if we had to.

Just like the touchrontic voting machines, that was a nice sum of money down the tubes.

Did the cattle show break even? Did we really need the public safety fair last year or the Rib Fest... did the parks department break even on that? Why are we doing things that don't have to be done during tough economic times?

Speaking of tough economic times, anyone hear anything lately about the bonds for the Marlins? Its been awful quiet.

Anonymous said...

Commissioner Sorenson has been against the discretionary funds for a long time.

Cato said...

Grab your pitch forks and torches and run around your block 10 times screaming I'm mad as hell and I won't take it anymore, then go home grab a beer and watch some TV.

Hallandale Beach/Hollywood Blog said...

WFOR's I-Team did several great stories on the questionable spending by the Commission on their massive individual discretionary budget accounts.

Geniusofdespair said...

Thank you Hallendale Beach Blog!!