Friday, June 26, 2009

BOOTY CALL - Youbetcha'

What is with the Miami Herald Editors? International News goes deep inside on page ten, local H-O-T priests make the front page and sex ads are carefully placed on the sports page? Ladies, ever wonder why the sports statistics are such a hot number in your household?

It has been a running joke in my family about the Herald’s “hot slip and slides”. Unfortunately, fellas, I am very sorry to announce that in the decades of reading sports, Miss Hot Slip–n-Slide has aged like the rest of us and she no longer advertises on the very page that your eleven-year son memorizes. (Hit read more)

I have always wondered about these 'massage' ads. It is obvious to most of us that private body shampoos are not the same as taking the puppy to the groomer.

Nevertheless, how has the Herald, a family Newspaper, gotten away with New Times type ads? How does the Herald avoid being bashed for sexual ads on the very sports page that every sports fanatical kid reads in the morning with his Wheaties?


Anonymous said...

Come on. After paying a few hundred to watch the Marlins or the Heat or the Dolphins, who doesn't need a little relief?

outofsight said...

The economy must not be too bad then for some of us!

Anonymous said...

I'd rather go to a spa than a Marlins game.

youbetcha' said...

Hmmm. you a gal or guy? LOL Depending on your definition of spa, I think the Marlins game may be the more healthful and possibly legal choice.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. I've never actually opened the Herald sports page and so have never seen those ads. Guess I'm not the target audience.

Anonymous said...

We all might as well go a spa now before the idiots at the Miami Dade County Commission make us pay over $2 Bil towards a privately owned non-local non-US company.