Thursday, April 09, 2009

FDOT allows vendors to supply dead and dying trees ... by gimleteye

FDOT vendors are required to supply Royal Palms with 12 fronds per head, among other specifications to ensure that the state is planting healthy trees. You have to think there is some other reason that doesn't exist in the specifications for this vendor to be allowed to earn money-- our tax dollars--from dead and dying trees.


Anonymous said...

Besides not doing much for the environment, palm branches hang from electric lines everywhere or lie on the ground for months uncollected.

Tuesday night I saw an excellent program on Channel 23 about the disappearance of bees in the U.S. and the rest of the world. They recommend that we plant flowers to attract bees and help with their survival as we need polination for our fruits and vegetables. The question is -where? Developers are paving over our farms, building condos and houses w/o a backyard. No wonder the bees are creating their nests inside houses to be later destroyed by their owners. So where can the bees go -we took over their space.

Florida has been ranked the second worst state in the U.S. to live in. I guess we already knew that!

Anonymous said...

The trees in the photo don't look dead.

Anonymous said...

Um, specs are for a reason. FDOT requires:

60" rootballs
24" Caliper
12" Collar
Minimum 12 Fronds per Head

How many bad trees are out there, and will FDOT require that the money be paid back by the vendor? Where is the Herald on this story? Aren't they interested in trees?