Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Coral Gables election separated candidates like oil and water ... by gimleteye

There are a few things to think about, after Maria Anderson's solid victory in yesterday's municipal election in Coral Gables over Gonzolo Sanabria. Here they are, in no particular order:

Don't run for office if you've never voted in the municipality where you are running.

If you voted for moving the Urban Development Boundary, expect to pay a political price with voters.

George Volsky and Roxcy Bolton are disconnected from reality. They picked the wrong cudgel and voters didn't care to be beaten by them.

Voters are paying attention to blogs like Eyeonmiami.

If you campaign as a "green" candidate, you better be prepared to justify your claims with solid evidence.

If you are an incumbent who voters elected for civic and community activism, be careful trusting government bureaucrats who make themselves seem invincible with power and its privileges.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to maria. Coral Gables voters got it right. Sanabria would have been the worst choice for quality of life in the gables.

Anonymous said...

On my afternoon drive home thru part of the Gables today, I couldn't help but notice that there were more than a few green and yellow Sanabria signs deposited on trash piles.
Would have made a lovely picture :).

Anonymous said...

OK- you got to write something... about Sanabria saying that "there's a whole lot of people that want me to run again" - recent article in miami herald... ran on the 21st!!! Are you kidding me?? Claiming that he lost only 323 votes.. whatever!! He lost. There is one winner and one loser.. and he was the loser.. please please please.. smash him again!!! Run again?? like.. when he's 85? Give me a break!